Saturday, October 5, 2024

Family Breakthrough Day With Dr. Morris And Theresa Cerullo


But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ. For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation,

Ephesians 2:13-14, NKJV

Beloved, as the holiday season approaches, thoughts of time spent with family, friends, and loved ones come to mind. This can be a time of excitement and joy … filled with celebrations, fellowship, and memories. But, for many people, it’s a time of struggle, pain, and loneliness…

During this time of the year, when loved ones and relationships are in the forefront of many people’s minds, Satan chooses to launch his most diabolical attacks against one of God’s most precious creations … YOUR FAMILY.

NOW MORE THAN EVER, FAMILIES ARE UNDER ATTACK as never before … broken relationships, offenses, addictions, wayward children, abuse and violence, and fighting are just some of the weapons Satan is bringing against families. There is NOTHING Satan would like more than to destroy your well-being and your service to God.

Now is our time to take a stand against the devil’s war on your family and relationships!

The devil is specifically targeting YOU, because you are a child of God and a threat to him! Listen to me … God has placed His anointing upon me to rebuke the strategies of the devil and to quench all of these fiery darts!

God has spoken to me that you and I must COME TOGETHER AGAINST THE DEVIL AND HIS ATTACK on your family and relationships. Strife and division will hinder the peace of God and His divine power from flowing through you!

It’s time we stop Satan from robbing God’s blessings over your life!

Beloved, join me for a special time of prayer, fasting, and intercession for your family and for your relationships. You must join Theresa and me on Friday, December 7, for FAMILY BREAKTHROUGH DAY. God told me to dedicate this day for lifting up your family needs and your breakthrough prayer requests.

Family Breakthrough Day will be our time of consecration for you that will break through the spiritual strongholds and DEMOLISH THE ATTACKS OF THE ENEMY AGAINST YOUR HOME! Your family, your relationships, your finances, and your destiny will never be the same!

With the prayer you will receive on FAMILY BREAKTHROUGH DAY … something powerful will happen! Theresa and I are setting aside the whole day … we are going to be praying and fasting for YOU, beloved. This is YOUR TIME for God to do something special for your family.

As much as God wants to BLESS YOU, He cannot without your participation …

I take my assignment as God’s servant seriously … God directed me to ask you, as we come against the enemy that’s attacking your home … to consecrate your best offering of $37, $107, or $77 for the specific family breakthroughs and blessings you need!

Beloved, what would you give if you knew you were guaranteed an overwhelming financial and physical return? How much is a harvest of blessings, prosperity, health, and wholeness worth to your family?

God wants to DELIVER YOU out of your struggles … into a prosperous place in Him where all of your needs are met … your family and your relationships are blessed … with an overflow of abundance for every emotional, financial, and spiritual blessing!

As you believe God’s prophet, join Theresa and me for Family Breakthrough Day, Friday, December 7. We have committed before God to place your prayer requests on our Miracle Prayer Altar, where we will lay our hands on your needs and win the spiritual war against the enemy’s attacks against your family and relationships.

Dr. Morris Cerullo



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