Saturday, October 5, 2024

60 Questions Every Genuine Pastor Must Ask Himself and Humbly Answer


1. Do you know about Church Planting?
2. Do you know that Church Growth is possible?
3. Do you know how to grow your church?
4. Do you how to work with laymen, lay pastors and volunteers?
5. Do you know the art of shepherding?
6. Do you know what it means to become a shepherd?
7. Do you know the art of leadership?
8. Do you know the science of leadership?
9. Do you know what it really means to be Wise as Serpents?
10. Do you know the art of hearing from God?
11. How can you make full proof of your ministry?
12. Do you know how to pray?
13. Do you know the art of ministry?
14. What about the anointing? Do you know steps to the anointing?
16. Do you know about the sweet influences of the anointing?
17. Do you know how to catch the anointing?
18. What do you know about the anointed and his anointing?
19. Do you know how you can amplify your ministry with miracles and manifestations of the Holy Spirit?
20. Do you know how you can transform your pastoral ministry?
21. Do you know the top 10 mistakes pastors make?
22. Who are you following and do you know the art of following?
23. Have you counted the cost – Losing, suffering, sacrificing and dying – for the call of God?
24. Do you know 120 reasons why you must be a soul winner?
25. Do you know 100 ways to preach the gospel?
26. Do you understand the Greek word Anagkazo that Jesus used in Luke 14?
27. Do you know how to be born again and avoid hell?
28. After winning your converts, do you know how you and them can develop your staying power and not backslide?
29. Do you know how to teach your people to ‘Read their Bibles and Pray Everyday?
30. Do you know the key facts for new Christians?
31. Do you have a list of scripture memorization for every Christian?
33. Do you know what Jesus meant when he said ‘Many are Called’?
34. Do you know of the day to day spiritual dangers Christians face?
35. Do you understand the Quiet Time and its importance?
36. Do you know about demons and how to deal with them?
37. Do you know how to neutralize curses?
38. Do you know about the Victory secrets of a pastor?
39. What message do you have for the daughters of God?
40. Do you know why non-tithing Christians become poor and how tithing Christians can become rich?
41. Have you considered Jesus’ words of he that hath, to him shall be given: and he that hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he hath away?
42. Do you know the power of confessions; name it, claim it, take it?
43. Do you know how to build an army of true soldiers of Christ by mastering the importance of loyalty and disloyalty?

Are you aware of the following 7 groups of people you will encounter in your ministry and how to deal with them?

44. Are you aware of those who are dangerous sons?
45. Are you aware of those who accuse you?
46. Are you aware of those who are ignorant?
47. Are you aware of those who forget?
48. Are you aware of those who leave you?
49. Are you aware of those who are proud?

50. Are you aware of what Jesus meant when he said ‘One of you is a devil?
51. Do you know how you can identify your invisible enemy?
52. Do you really know how someone can become a strong Christian?
53. Do you know there are OTHERS and do you have a mind about OTHERS?
54. Do you own a handbook for ministers?
55. Are you aware of ministerial ethics for pastors?
56. Do you have a manual of ceremonies?
57. What is a model marriage?
58. It is a great thing to serve the Lord. Do you believe it?
59. Are you aware of Forgiveness made easy?
60. Have you heard of and read the book beauty, the beast and the pastor?

The answer to each of the above questions is a treasure that is hidden in a book📖!!! You need the Makarios 60 library…A library of 60 powerful books that holds answers to each of these 60 life transforming questions for any serious pastor. One Question One Book.



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