Sunday, October 6, 2024

Electrifying Testimonies


Goosebumps broke on the skins of many at the Independence Square as mind-blowing testimonies were shared at the Good Friday miracle Service.

Idol worship to Bible school
A young man named Robert started the stunning testimony time with a testimony of how God saved him from idol worship.
Growing up in a remote village in Ghana,  Robert recounted how all he knew was idol worship.
His whole family was deeply rooted in the practice.
He however came across a book –
How to be born again and avoid hell written by Dag Heward-mills.
After reading he was deeply convicted and decided to start a search for the author.  He found a branch of the Lighthouse Chapel international and joined it.
Today he and his household are completely saved and transformed.  He is even in the Anagkazo Bible seminary (also set up through the leadership of Bishop Dag Heward mills), training to become a pastor!  Such amazing grace!

Miracles across borders
Horata is a young lady from Botswana.
From a life of incest, pornography, masturbation, multiple boyfriends  and many other such vices, God rescued her from this rollercoaster ride to hell through a book, spiritual dangers written by Bishop Dag.
Her eyes were opened suddenly and she realised what a dangerous life she was living.
Today she is saved and has relocated to Ghana for pastoral training in the Anagkazo Bible seminary.

Battled with kidney stones for 3 years, healed miraculously after taking communion
Ato Turkson had battled with kidney stones for 3 years. He had had 5 surgeries, spending over 7000 pounds in the process.
Scans showed that his left kidney was swollen.
Ato attended a service Bishop Dag held where the Holy communion was administered.
That evening he went home and felt a weird sensation in his stomach. He touched his stomach and the stone fell out instantaneously!  ‘What the Doctors could not do with money,  Jesus did for free’ Ato said.
He was also miraculously blessed with a new car shortly after!
What an amazing God we serve!

Her sick son recovered miraculously after communion
Mary mounted the stage with her young boy beaming with smiles.
Her son was sick for 6 years.  Boils broke on his face,  he lost appetite and grew lean around the same time of year (March and April) every year.
She came for the first time last year to the Good Friday miracle service.
After taking the communion on behalf of her son, he was miraculously healed!
Mary’s mother (who the boy was with at the time) called her and told her the boils were dying out.  The boy had also developed a ravenous appetite.
Up till date, there have been no signs of this strange illness and this young boy has not stepped into a hospital since this heartwarming healing!

Transcending every race, colour and tongue, the blood of Jesus still has miraculous power!
Jesus still works miracles today!


Kweku Sampson

Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.



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