Sunday, October 6, 2024

Adventures In Mexico: I Believed!


From about the age of 12/13 I had a strong desire to be a missionary like the Missionary Sisters from India… (Roman Catholic Nuns). 

After secondary school I wanted to go to Bible School but I knew my Nigerian Daddy would cut my head off so I had to live with this constant nagging in my spirit to go out there and preach the gospel.
At 20 I moved to England and although I thought it would be the last place God will give me an opportunity to serve Him, it happened there. I met an evangelist in 2003 who believed that this black girl could serve God! I thought I had met Jesus!!!

Fast forward to 2005, I got married on the 8th of October and left London on the 13th! Yes a 2/3 day honeymoon and I was set like a boy bounding home from school.
I never thought that it could be till it happened!

My husband wasn’t able to go at the time but gave his full blessing for me to go ahead.
People say it was brave but I can’t imagine how different would have been without Mexico! It was like in the volumes of my book it had been written… MEXICO!

I set off with 3 of my church sisters. The oldest of us was only 23. (This is the same mission Natalie wrote about some weeks ago).
4 single ladies making a great decision for no one but God!!! If I had to live my life again definitely this chapter must be included!

We arrived on the 14th with nothing but our Spanish translation booklet, only to be told Spanish in Spain es totalmente differente (that it’s totally different).
Mexicans we excited to see us; we were like their prized jewels.. que guapa, que bonita…. hola chica… we were buzzing! I mean I don’t think I’ve ever felt this useful!

Walking to class one morning I found 800 pesos on the floor and I knew it was God’s assurance that he would take care of us… I gave one of my sisters 400 pesos as she was with me. I had paid for the first level of classes in Spanish which was for 6 weeks. Unfortunately I couldn’t afford the next level but miraculously I could preach and even ‘argue’ with Mexicans in spanish (sorry when you have Nigerian blood you make people believe you so not that type of arguments).

All I did was BELIEVE!!!
I believed that one day a black girl from nowhere will become a missionary.
I believed that I would speak Spanish.
I believed I could preach and sing in Spanish.
That’s probably what set us apart.
In Mexico I experienced what God can do with those who believe.
To be continued…

Magaret Pierre

Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.



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