Sunday, October 6, 2024

Knowing The End From The Beginning – The Story Of The Greatest Sacrifice


That point in an emotionally gripping suspense novel when you just flip the pages to read the end of the story because you simply can’t wait to know what happened at the end?

Or hitting the fast forward button so you can see the end of a movie.

Year after year, I’m tempted to do same with the story of the crucifixion.

When I read the account over again of how He was humiliated, stripped naked and beaten, tortured and crucified, I want to skip the scene to the more glorious end of His glorious resurrection!

If you have a graphic memory and empathetic heart, you probably have the same ‘problem’ that I do.
But I have learnt to stay with the gory details. There are invaluable lessons in those heartrending details. The depth of His unfathomable, undying, relentless and boundless love is revealed through the things He suffered for us.

At the same time, it’s nice to know the end if the story from the beginning! It was worth it at the end. All the pain and agony that our Saviour bore was worth it!

I’m so glad that death couldn’t hold Him! The grave couldn’t contain Him!

O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
1 Corinthians 15:55 KJV.

What a beautiful blend this story holds! It’s the greatest story ever told – the story of the greatest sacrifice!

Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.



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