Saturday, October 5, 2024

There He Became the Cosmic Center Where All Evil and Goodness Met


Laughed at by the crowds, tortured by the soldiers, deserted by his friends, slowly bleeding to death, Jesus was utterly helpless.

And yet it was at the cross that the power of God was released. How can this be? One way to picture it is through nuclear power.

In every atom, positive and negative forces are held together in balance. But when the atom is split, positive splits from negative and power is released, either for destruction or for benefit.

Something like this happened on the cross. Hanging there, Jesus experienced in himself two opposing forces – the negative of our sins and the positive of God’s love.

Jesus was the holy, perfect Son of God, and yet on the cross, as we saw earlier, he was made “sin for us.” 15 There he became the cosmic center where all evil and goodness met.

Finally, Jesus overcame evil, which split away, setting loose new powers of righteousness and resurrection.

Evil, death, guilt and fear are conquered, while the saving power of God’s love is released for everyone who asks for it.

Within three days this new power swung into action, when Christ gloriously and triumphantly rose from the dead.

And ever since, a wave of spiritual power has swept forward through the world and down the generations, bringing God’s new life to everything it touches.

God bless you today.


Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.



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