Sunday, October 6, 2024

Trump Call Out Media For Failing To Cover March For Life


In an interview with ABC news Wednesday, President Donald Trump touted the March for Life, saying, “You’re going to have a large crowd on Friday.”

In an interview at the White House, ABC’s David Muir claimed more than 1 million showed up to the Women’s March, and asked if Trump could hear their voices from the White House.

President Trump responded, “I couldn’t hear them, but the crowds were large.”


The Women’s March on Saturday, January 21, was a radical feminist march that promoted LGBT social issues and abortion. Contrary to Muir’s claims, only an estimated 470,000 marchers showed up for the event (including liberal Catholic clergy and religious) — a smaller number than the March for Life in 2013, which drew an estimated 650,000, and draws similarly large crowds each year.

Turning the focus away from the Women’s March, Trump reminded Muir, “You’re going to have a large crowd on Friday, too, which is mostly pro-life people. You’re going to have a lot of people coming on Friday, and I will say this, and I didn’t realize this, but I was told, you will have a very large crowd of people.”

It will be “as large or larger — some people say it’s going to be larger, pro-life people,” he continued. Turning to Muir, the president added, “And they say the press doesn’t cover them.”

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Looking visibly uncomfortable and attempting to change the subject, Muir responded, “I don’t want to compare crowd sizes again —” but Trump interrupted, continuing to press him on the topic.

“No,” he said, “Let me just say it; what they do say is that the press doesn’t cover them.”

Source: ABC &

Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.



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