Sunday, October 6, 2024

I Prophesy Over You Today As You Journey Home From Shiloh…Bishop David Oyedepo


Enjoy these wonderful moments from the just ended Shiloh 2018 with Bishop Oyedepo. Claim the prophecies he proclaimed as your own and walk in the blessing of the Lord.

• By this celebration, dry season is over in your life.
• You have offered unto God the fruit of your lips, nothing goes dry around you again.
• I decree that every blessing of Shiloh that has come your way shall be perfected, multiplied, and preserved.
• Every act of obedience to God’s word, commits His integrity, therefore having given Him all the glory; you never see shame and reproach again.

• Everything around your life will connote perfect soundness, in the name of Jesus.
• As we step into our year of Dominion, and as the Lord liveth; no one will ask you again where is your God. As long as you will not be ashamed of His doings in your life, He said “…. I will share thy testimony before kings and will not be ashamed”. You will never see shame again.
• I pray that every blessing that attends to timely thanksgiving, follows you home.


• All through the year 2019 and beginning from now, you shall be singing songs of dominion. You shall be taking steps of dominion.
• No more assault of the wicked on your life.
• Nothing shall by any means hurt you.
• And may your soul continue to make his boast in the Lord.
• No more intimidation; no more fears and anxiety.
• The dominion anointing that you received yesterday, follows you home.
• Now, arrive your destinations safely, arrive your destinations peacefully. Arrive your destinations joyfully. Arrive your destination with your testimonies speaking.
• Our God is a story-changing God, you are returning next year with your change of story testimonies, as the Lord lives.

• The enemy may have been tormenting you over the years, now in the name of Jesus; for your shame you shall return with double glory. And so shall it be.
• May the blessings of Shiloh 2018 keep speaking all through the year 2019
• For your sacrifices that you laid on the altar of God yesterday, the turnaround virtue of the altar of sacrifice follows you from today. It will impact on your generations after you.
• Again all those who have served in diverse capacities, God who is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him will reward every of your secret service openly.
• All that prayed God’s hand upon Shiloh, in the name of Jesus, who has said “…. The husbandman that laboureth, must be the first partaker of the fruit”, before the first quarter is over, your entire secret labors are speaking openly.
• My entire heart blesses you. My entire heart blesses all those who have left for their destination.
• All foreign delegates who have left will arrive there safely.
• All those who are leaving will arrive their destinations safely.

• All worshippers that came across Nigeria you will get to your homes safely.
• There shall be no evil report from any quarter, to the glory of God
• Congratulations, for a most refreshing time in God’ presence.
• Nothing happened when they stayed with Jesus, but as they went, they were cleansed. Whatever you cried to God for at Shiloh, as you’re going, they are happening

• You are receiving calls of favor. You are receiving change of story calls. As you go be cleansed.
• Before you get to your home, yours has happened.
• Don’t let any devil whisper in your ears, “now you’re through with Shiloh, what has happened?” say, “Shut up dummy devil, my God is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man that he should repent. What I have asked of Him, has already happened, dummy devil keep quiet.”
• Congratulations, in Jesus’ Precious Name



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