Saturday, October 5, 2024

Representing Jesus in High Places – Owerri, Nigeria


Thursday 6th December 2018 marked the 44th year anniversary of the founding of CfaN.

December 6th, 1974 Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and his wife started this amazing journey that has resulted in more than 78-million people coming to Christ in some of the largest evangelistic events in history. And what better way to celebrate than with a Gospel Crusade.

In Owerri, Nigeria – the final crusade of 2018 began with Peter Vandenberg and Eddie James led worship.

The opening crowd was quite small compared to what we are used to, but the power of God was moving mightily on the field. After I preached the gospel and prayed for the sick, we heard testimonies of amazing miracles.

A young man with a lump protruding from his stomach said that during prayer it suddenly and completely vanished!

A woman suffering with fibroids for more years than she can remember, said that as we prayed the power of God came upon her. She began shaking violently and then realized that her fibroids had vanished.

An elderly man told us that his right hand had been frozen and paralyzed for over a year. Tonight he was healed completely. As he stood on the platform moving it freely he said, “Even now, I can feel warm blood flowing into it.”

On the second day there was a visit to the Governor of Imo State here in Owerri, Nigeria. At the governor’s mansion I was invited to speak to the governor, the first lady, the deputy governor and all the top cabinet leaders of the state. It was a precious opportunity to represent Jesus to those in high places.

After our visit, the governor and I appeared in a press conference together with all the regional media where I was able to invite the public to come to the crusade.

In the afternoon we met with our amazing team members for a make-shift Christmas dinner. This is our yearly tradition. It is a time of joy, laughter and thankfulness to God for His goodness this year. Several of our team members faced death over the last months on different occasions as they transported our equipment through war zones.

Our trucks have bullet holes in them as an enduring testimony to the Lord’s faithfulness and protection over the team. Most of all we thank the Lord for another year of historic harvest!

In the evening, the governor, his wife and their entire government entourage attended the crusade and were present throughout the service as I preached the Gospel. Afterwards the governor asked if we would come back again. It is clear that we have an open door in Imo State.

After I preached the Gospel, many wonderful miracles took place. A woman with a severe infection in her leg leaving her unable to walk, said that as I was praying tonight, the power of God came over her. She fell to the ground and when she got up she saw how that infection had literally drained right there on the field and she was able to walk perfectly.

A couple ladies with large lumps in their breasts said that they vanished instantly. Eyes and ears were healed. Cripples walked, danced and ran without their crutches!

Here in West Africa, during certain times of the year we experience a phenomenon called Harmattan. When this happens, fine dust particles from the Sahara desert blow into the atmosphere and travel hundreds of miles, covering West Africa in a blanket of powdery dust. The particles are so small that they hang suspended in the atmosphere, obscuring even the visibility of the sun at times.

Here in Owerri the Harmattan has combined with pollution to create a very unhealthy situation. On the final night, we were scheduled to broadcast the meetings live, via satellite uplink, but the dust was so thick our satellites had no reception.

But there was no hinderance to the power of God coming down in salvation, healing and deliverance. We prayed for the people to receive the Holy Spirit en mass and many were gloriously filled. Tens of thousands responded to the Gospel each night and there were more miracle testimonies than we could count.

One young man came to Owerri from another city because of the hospital here. He had been suffering for a long time with a growth on his body. He came to Owerri to have it removed. But while he was here, a lady told him about the crusade and he decided to come. During the prayer for the sick, his lump vanished completely.

In fact, this is one of the miracles we saw most in Owerri. Each night we have heard testimonies of lumps, tumors, fibroids and various growths instantly vanishing during prayer. Quite a few women with tumors in their breasts – some very large and painful – felt them disappear without a trace!

We have now arrived at the end of our crusade schedule for 2018 and as we look back, God has been so faithful this year. Not counting this crusade, we have recorded more than 1.2 million documented decisions for Christ in Africa.



Source: CFAN



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