Sunday, October 6, 2024

I Believe In Miracles: The Kathryn Kuhlman Story – Part 3


Testimonies in Kuhlman’s Meetings

Compelling reports of healings were abundant. Roberts Liardon suggests that “There were thousands upon thousands of miracles.”

In one exhilarating testimonial, Kathryn writes in Nothing Is Impossible With God that a woman who was afflicted with cancer shared the following:

“Miss Kuhlman was walking back and forth across the stage. She wasn’t screaming or yelling, as I had thought she would be. She wasn’t even preaching, just talking. She said, ‘I don’t want anyone to come up here on the stage until you have been healed.’ Amazing, I thought to myself. I had pictured her slapping people on the forehead, vibrating and shaking, screaming commands for the Lord to heal some poor wretch. It wasn’t that way, but people started coming forward, testifying that they had been healed while they were sitting in their seats.”

In the midst of the exuberant testimonies and worship, something amazing transpired. She writes:

“Something else happened. I discovered I couldn’t move my arms or legs. More surprising still, it didn’t bother me to sit there paralyzed. In fact, it was altogether a very wonderful feeling. Mom later told me that Miss Kuhlman said someone was being healed of cancer, but I didn’t hear it. As a matter of fact, I didn’t hear much of anything during this time. When the wonderful feeling passed, a new feeling, a conviction, took its place—a deep conviction that I no longer had cancer.”

A short time later, she went to the doctor, and he told her that the biopsy was entirely negative. They found no malignancy whatsoever. She writes that she questioned the doctor, saying, “I thought the first biopsy showed total malignancy.” He shrugged. “It did, but when you got in there, everything was fine. I don’t think you’re going to have any trouble at all.'”

There were remarkable accounts like this transpiring every time that Kuhlman held a crusade. Individuals were getting out wheelchairs, and lives were being restored. Providing a fascinating summary, Roberts Liardon writes:

“On one occasion, a five-year-old boy, crippled from birth, walked to Kathryn’s platform without assistance. On another, a woman, who had been crippled and confined to a wheelchair for twelve years walked to the platform without aid from her husband. A man from Philadelphia, who had received a pacemaker eight months earlier, felt intense pain in his chest after Kathryn laid hands upon him. Returning home, he found the scar gone from his chest where the pacemaker had been implanted, and he couldn’t tell if the pacemaker was functioning. Later, when the doctor took x-rays, he discovered the pacemaker was gone, and the man’s heart healed. It was common for tumors to dissolve, cancers to fall off, the blind to see and the deaf to hear. Migraine headaches were healed instantly. Even teeth were divinely filled. It would be impossible to list the miracles that the ministry of Kathryn Kuhlman witnessed! God alone knows.”

Kathryn Kuhlman, arguably became the most influential figure of the charismatic renewal, transforming a whole generation’s understanding of healing and crusade evangelism.


SOURCE: I Believe In Miracles



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