Saturday, October 5, 2024



If you think you’ve learned all there is to know about faith, then you haven’t read Bonnke on faith. While many preach about faith, Bonnke has put it to the test in over thirty years of ministry. He has raised millions of dollars, traveled around the world, and brought millions and millions and millions of souls into the Kingdom of God – by faith.

Some believe that simply having faith is an entitlement to blessing and prosperity. Others believe that faith in oneself is all that is needed in life. Still others contend that faith is a cosmic force that breeds superhuman, super-spiritual, invincible power. It none of these. Faith is not something requiring you to believe in what we know is not true, nor is it believing something for which there is no evidence. The Bible—a book all about faith— provides the evidence that makes faith so vital, so important, and so astounding.

Faith: The Link with God’s Power, International Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke draws from his years of personal study and vibrant ministry to reveal that…

  • Faith is like a wiring system that carries power into our lives.
  • Faith itself is not the power, but it links us to the power source.
  • There is no link to God’s power without faith.
  • Our belief in what happens tomorrow stems from what we already experienced yesterday.

It is not the size of our faith, but the size of the God we believe in, that determines the results.

Reinhard Bonnke is more qualified than most to shed light on what it means to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit. He and his team at Christ for all Nations (CfaN) regularly conduct gospel crusades in Africa, where signs and wonders follow the preaching of the message of Christ. With up to 1,600,000 people attending a single service and 3,450,000 making a positive decision for Christ in just six days of meetings, these are indeed times when God’s people should abound in faith!



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