Sunday, October 6, 2024

Preparing Our Children For Battle


For years now, I have been making the claim that the loose morals, the dope problem, illicit sex, homosexuality, the raging in the streets of the world by young people, drug addicts, hippies, revolutionaries, was more than just the changing times we live in. It is more than just young people disenchanted with the so-called hypocrisy of the older generation or a new set of morals coming upon the world.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Ephesians 6:12

To many I have raised up in the Gospel, I am known as “Spiritual Papa.” As your very own “Spiritual Papa,” I must reinforce to you and your family, that there is a war in the unseen world being waged, and its chief adversary is Satan. He is Enemy Number One—the tempter par excellence—and he still acts with treacherous cunning. He is the secret enemy that sows errors and misfortunes in human history.

We have been training our sons and daughters in Christ—telling them that if they just come to Jesus, everything would be all right. Everything will work out fine! Oh, the disillusionment!

Nothing could be further from the truth.

The evidence is the tremendous amount of sons and daughters of saved parents who have rebelled against the faith of their mother and father while the parents stood and watched helplessly, crying, “Oh God, where did we fail You … what did we do that caused our Johnny, our Sally, to wander into the world.”

We have not prepared soldiers! We have been busy preparing sons and daughters, but not soldiers:

  • We have given no information on the enemy.
  • We have not revealed who he is and what he is capable of.
  • We have not prepared our sons and daughters for battle. Neither has the church prepared God’s sons and daughters for battle.

The truth is:
On the other side of the coin is the great news that we now know how to deal with Satan. The call of Jesus is a call to battle.

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Proverbs 22:6, NKJV

Beloved, I am inviting you to take my 7-week course, Manifested Sons of God, through my online Legacy School of Ministry. Manifested Sons of God will teach you that in the same manner that Jesus was the expressed image of the Father, we ought to be the expressed image of the Son of God by manifesting everything that Jesus is and everything that He possesses. This course reveals how to receive your spiritual inheritance and claim your rightful possessions as a true son and daughter of the manifested God. Enroll today!

Say this faith declaration out loud:
I have powerful spiritual weapons in my hands to face the battles in my life today. I will use them with God-given authority. When Satan challenges my authority, I will stand in the same strength and power demonstrated by the Lord Jesus Christ.





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