Saturday, October 5, 2024

You Can Be Transported From Point ‘A’ To Point ‘B’ By God’s Spirit


“It was a faith that kept Enoch from dying. Instead, he was taken up to God, and nobody could find him, because God had taken him up. The scripture says that before Enoch was taken up, he had pleased God.” Hebrews 11:5 GNB

Craig listened with skepticism as the preacher told this amazing story about a man in the Bible called Enoch, who didn’t die but was taken right into heaven. How could that be true and why? Is it possible for someone to leave this world without dying?” Craig mused these thoughts long after the message.

Maybe, like Craig, you’ve also wondered about Enoch and even questioned his story. Well, it’s a true story recorded in Genesis 5:21-24. The Amplified Classic Bible version says, “…Enoch walked [in habitual fellowship] with God; and he was not, for God took him [home with Him]” (Genesis 5:24 AMPC). Observe the word “fellowship.” It’s the same word Paul uses in his prayer for the Church in 2 Corinthians 13:14 (NIV): “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.” It refers, amongst other things, to the transportation of the Holy Spirit.

This transportation is such that happens during times of deep worship and meditation when you feel taken up away from this earth-realm into the realms of glory in God’s Spirit. There, your eyes are opened to see the realities of God’s Kingdom, where there are no impossibilities or limitations. You gain the advantage as you see, with the eyes of your spirit, things that are not visible to others.

Through an intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit, you can walk consistently in this realm where you’re translated from one level of glory to another, and never experience death (and all it represents—sickness, defeat, destruction, failure, stagnation, retrogression, etc.) in your life.

Speak 🗣
I walk closely with the Spirit of God and I’m constantly transported by Him into the glorious and higher realms of life, far removed from death, defeat, destruction, sickness, poverty, and failure. My eyes are open to the realities of God’s Kingdom; I see the invisible and I’m empowered to do the impossible. Hallelujah!





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