Friday, October 4, 2024

Over 30,000 Salvations In Week 1 Of Our Pre-Crusade Outreach


As part of our ‘Decade of Double Harvest’ initiative, we have been hard at work increasing our efforts in order to see 150 Million souls saved within the next decade. In fact, just last year when I announced the use of our Gospel Trucks for pre-crusade village outreach, I stated that ‘I believe the days are soon coming where we will see as many or more people saved BEFORE the crusade than during it’… and I believe those days have come!

In preparation for our next African Gospel Crusade on August 8-11 in Nakuru, Kenya, we already have a team of evangelists on the ground paving the way for Kenya to be shaken by the Gospel!

This team of just four evangelists have each been personally trained by myself and played a role in our pre-crusade outreaches in the past.

Now, to impact Kenya’s high population of young people, we have set our sights on ministering in the schools, meeting them where they congregate together each day.

This past week our pre-crusade outreach team has preached the gospel in 51 schools (mostly public) and have seen over 33,000 decisions to follow Jesus! I believe what is happening right now is unprecedented and will lead to the salvation of entire families…and this is just the beginning!

Thank you for partnering with us both prayerfully and financially to reach these precious young people of Kenya. Please continue to pray as there is still another month left of outreach leading up to the main crusade in August.

The best is yet to come, In Jesus’ name!





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