Saturday, October 5, 2024

Be A Hero


Beloved, we are living amongst superheroes every day. My blog is probably not where you expect to read about superheroes, but as I’ve been sharing the wonderful news of our comic book series, The Legends of Lightfall, and announcing its debut at San Diego’s Comic Con 2019, I’ve been led to guide you, my beloved partners, as well as our yoBe A Herouth, to discover your own super powers. 

We would all like to be Superman, always knowing what to do, when to do it, and how to solve the problems of the world. But we’re not like him; we are fallible. Our human capabilities are weak, uncertain and frail … but we have been endowed with tremendous power and responsibility. Remember this:

Ordinary people can become extraordinary when empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Philippians 1:6

It’s an awesome thing when God Himself gets involved in the deliverance of His people. God uses our failure, hardship and trials for His glory. He turns what was meant for bad and uses it to testify to His grace. You say that you are a failure, and yet God says because of the finished work of Christ, you are victorious!

God sees you as extraordinary! Nobody is perfect, but as Christians, we find ourselves endowed with power from the living God! The power God has manifested in us is real, it changes lives, moves mountains, heals the sick, raises the dead and casts out evil.

That power is the Presence and reality of the living God, invested into the bodies and minds of men and women who cannot possibly approach the holiness from which that power came. Simply put, our human capabilities are weak, uncertain, frail and fallible. We don’t always know what to do and we certainly don’t know how to solve the problems of the world.

God made us that way. God isn’t looking for someone who is strong; He’s looking for someone who is weak, so that through the weakness, God’s strength can be manifested.

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.II Peter 3:18, NIV

God loves to use ordinary people, like you and me, to do extraordinary things. You can read about it in our comic books! In The Legends of Lightfall, we venture with our own superhero, Kort, exploring how the forces of darkness and peril, and power and light can alter the very nature of a superhero and his world. I encourage you to join our eternal quest to be used by God in an extraordinary way! Join the army.

Say this faith declaration out loud:

The power of the Holy Spirit will be released in my life to enable me to live a more victorious, overcoming, meaningful life for the Kingdom of God.





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