Saturday, October 5, 2024

God’s Blessing 1


When I look at my life and all the favor God has shown me, I often say, “I know I must be God’s favorite.” Of course, I know God doesn’t play favorites, but I just can’t help feeling that way seeing how good God has been to me.
Would you like to see more of God’s blessing and favor on your life?

In the book of Psalms, David declared, concerning God and His blessing, “Your blessing is upon Your people. Selah” (Psalm 3:8). Selah means to take a moment and think about this truth.

What does it mean to have God’s blessing on your life? How would God’s blessing change the circumstances you’re facing? How would it affect your relationships, finances, and health?

I have found that God’s blessing is an empowerment that causes you to prosper and succeed. Not just for your own personal gain, but to accomplish the vision and purpose of God for your life and family.

God’s blessing will open doors of opportunities and give you influence that education or money can’t produce.

As a follower of Christ, God’s blessing is available to you! God wants you so blessed and so favored that people will see it and be attracted to the God you serve.

We see this happen in the life of Abraham recorded in Genesis. God spoke to Abraham in Genesis 12:2 saying, “I will make you a great nation; I will bless you and make your name great; And you shall be a blessing.”

“Make your name great” means people will know you. Some translations say that you will be made famous. This means people will see and know how blessed and favored you are by God.

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