Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Great Wealth Transfer


Beloved, let me tell you something … now, please hear me … this is a very crucial, pressing matter. We have a tremendous dream – a plan, an objective, a vision of the future – from God. 

When I speak of a dream, I am not speaking of a mere daydream. I’m speaking of a vision of biblical proportions. Surely, Joseph had such a vision, and Moses with the burning bush. In that same way, Solomon’s night vision at Gibeon preceded the great wealth transfer of his day.

The great wealth transfer always starts with a dream from God.

My monumental vision to reach a billion souls for the Lord brought about a tremendous change in my life and your ministry. I opened my spirit for God’s instruction and enabling to bring this vision to fruition. It is a dream of world evangelism on a scale never before imagined.

… prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.

Malachi 3:10

A dream of outreach that, without God’s supernatural provision, would financially collapse our ministry. Beloved, our unified dream, the magnificent Legacy Center, is nearing completion. God’s bold endeavor to unite the Church throughout the world, here in San Diego, CA, and thus continuing to raise up a billion souls through our ministry is near fruition; just as commanded, debt-free. It has come with great financial strain; yet the cost of the end-time harvest comes as no surprise to God.

… pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers …

Luke 10:2

During history, there have been three great wealth transfers that were so massive, so important, that they were recorded in the Bible.

God recorded these for several purposes:

  • To let us know that the medium of exchange to ensure the blessings from God to our lives are important to Him – whether it is cattle, grain, oil, wine or money! As Solomon said, “… money answereth all things” (Ecclesiastes 10:19).
  • To encourage us that His will is to bless us (III John 2).
  • To teach us about the things He has done so we will erect spiritual memorials to His glory.
  • To teach us principles from the lives of great people of God of the past that translate to power to receive in our present lives.

God is sending another great wealth transfer. I believe it will be even greater for the saints of God than the transfer that Solomon received. It will not be to one man or one kingdom, but to all in the Body of Christ who are prepared for it. It is God’s great end-time wealth transfer. The greatest gathering of wealth ever known to man, at this very moment, is in storage here on earth.





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