Saturday, October 5, 2024

Singer Francesca Battistelli Says God Miraculously Healed Her


Christian singer Francesca Battistelli shared a miraculous healing report she received from doctors after thinking she needed to undergo emergency surgery while pregnant. 
The “He Knows My Name” songstress said that back when she was about 10 weeks pregnant she woke up in “excruciating pain.” She called her midwife but decided to wait and see if the pain would subside. 

“I called my parents basically in tears from the pain in my lower abdomen. They came over and we waited it out for a couple of hours, but the pain got worse. We called my midwife again, and she sent us to the emergency room,” Battistelli shared on Instagram.

 “By the time we arrived, the pain had disappeared. I was grateful but confused.

I knew I had a cyst on my right ovary, but no one had been concerned about it until now. Turns out the cyst was very large—about 10cm (the size of a small grapefruit or large orange), and it had twisted the ovary, cutting off the blood supply and causing the intense pain.

By the time we reached the hospital, it had twisted back, which is normal and why the pain suddenly stopped,” she continued.

Battistelli’s OBGYN insisted that the award-winning singer get surgery during her pregnancy.

The expecting mom of four said they decided they would just wait and pray and ask others to pray for her.

“We met with our midwife and a trusted OB who was very torn on the matter.

He didn’t want to operate while I was pregnant, but he said this kind of cyst does not shrink or go away on it’s own—’it would have to be a miracle,’ he said—and it would possibly twist again and cause issues.

He said surgery was inevitable, but it was my choice if we waited until after the birth to remove it,” Battistelli explained.

“After praying it through, we just didn’t have peace about doing the surgery now. We believed God could heal me!”

The Christian family kept their faith and one day she said her husband, Matt, full of faith, proclaimed that her stomach had shrunk and the “cyst is shrinking.” 

“I smiled and prayed it was true. Let’s just say he was convinced, and I was hopeful. Fast forward to about a week ago, when we went in for our 20-week ultrasound.

The sweet tech said, ‘we will take a look at that cyst while we’re here,’ and Matt said, ‘you won’t find it. It’s gone. We’ve been praying,’” Battistelli recalled.

The nurse practitioner measured the cyst and said “this is just an inch long. It’s not even a cyst anymore. It’s gone!”  

Battistelli testified, “We all (my sweet midwife included) praised God and thanked Jesus right there in the ultrasound room!

He did a miracle in my body, and this sweet tech (who is pregnant with her first baby) got to witness it!”

“We are overwhelmed by the goodness and the BIGNESS of God, and we want the world to know that He still heals!!! My faith has been so strengthened by this, and I pray yours is too.” 

Thousands of people were encouraged by the testimony. Battistelli received almost 40,000 likes and many shared how encouraged they were by the healing power of God.



Jeannie Law, Christian Post Reporter



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