Sunday, October 6, 2024

Whatever It Takes


Right now, the Spirit of God is bringing you to a very crucial point in your Christian experience. He knows that you are hungry and that you are crying out for the power of God to flow through your life in a continual stream. He knows because He has placed that desire in your heart.

You have laid yourself bare before the Father. You know that it is possible for you to operate in this way because Jesus said you would be able to do the works that He did, and even greater works than He did.

You are hungry. You are crying out to God for the same type of experience that the Early Church believers had. The Spirit of God is bringing you to a point in your life where you are willing to do whatever is necessary to come into a relationship with Christ so that the same power and anointing that He had becomes resident within you.

You must make a commitment to pursue this. If you are willing, then, pray this prayer out loud from a sincere heart right now:

Father, I am willing to do whatever it takes to have the same power and anointing flowing through me that flowed through Jesus. Reveal to me, by Your Holy Spirit, anything that might be hindering that flow in my life. I am not satisfied to stay where I am in my spiritual relationship with You. Take me beyond the point of blessing. I know that there is more to experience in You, and I will not be satisfied with anything less than what You have planned for me.

I yield myself to You now. I yield my mind, my will, my emotions, my finances, my family, my ministry, my job, my home, my possessions, and every other part of me that exists to You. Fill me until I am overflowing with Your Spirit. Begin a new work in my life this very moment. By faith, I commit myself to You, knowing that what You have promised, You will do in my life. I know that You have not planned any defeats for me.

Make this the prayer of your heart. Every day, as you awake, and every night before you go to bed, pray this prayer. Make a commitment to God each day to yield yourself to Him that day. This is where you must begin if you are to live your life in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. This hungering and thirsting for God to totally possess your being must be the continual desire of your heart.

Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 37:4, NIV (emphasis added)

God is going to take you beyond your own limitations and bring you into a new spiritual dimension where there are no limitations to what God can and will do in and through you.

I challenge you to:

Re-evaluate your priorities – line them up with God’s Word, according to His direction and leading in your life.

Rely upon and cling to God for His strength, wisdom, and guidance instead of trusting in yourself and your own strength.

Step out in faith to bring every area of your life—your mind, your thoughts, your desires, your body, and your fleshly appetites—into submission to the Holy Spirit.

Remember what I told you. You are part of God’s end-time plan. We are living in the time known as the “climax of the ages.” God has planned to bring His chosen people into a new spiritual maturity. Where are you in your Christian experience? Can you honestly look at your life and see the evidence of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit? Are you living your life and facing your day-to-day circumstances in a demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit?



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