Sunday, October 6, 2024

A Sanguine Wife


Strengths of a Sanguine Wife

1. Sena Sanguine is adorable and popular––she was probably a cheerleader in school.

2. She is the easiest personality to spot in a crowd––she talks a great deal, usually laughs loudly, and has many gestures, like waving her arms in the air.

3. She is always in the middle of the action, mixing and mingling with people, and entertaining them with grand stories that may bear little or no resemblance to the truth.

4. Other personalities watching her wonder if she ever gets tired.

5. She is good at networking––she is relationship-wise and knows virtually everyone.

6. She’s everyone’s best friend and sincerely loves them all. However, she has an extra special place for friends who adore and idolize her. She thrives on compliments.

7. She doesn’t get worried when she is not worshipped. When her feelings are hurt she doesn’t hold a grudge.

8. She is quick to apologize when she realizes she’s done wrong.

9. She’s spontaneous and excitable and can decide on fun on the spur of the moment.

10. She’s a talkative––she is usually a good speaker or great teacher because she can talk for hours on a topic she has little or not much information about.

11. She’s the life of the party––she likes to throw parties and to attend them. At the party all action revolves around her. She usually arrives late at the party, because she either loses the directions to the party or forgets about it.

12. Her primary goal in life is to have fun. When things get too serious, she tries to lighten up her environment.

13. She always expects the best from people and from life.

14. Motivator––can motivate others to action and is fabulous at dreaming up wild schemes for someone else to implement. She can convince normally sane people to do things they wouldn’t normally do.

15. She is usually fond of bright colours.

16. Creative––she is a very creative dresser and likes new hairstyles and colours. Her creativity may extend to baking, decorating, and entertaining. She is good at inventing homes, crafts and projects for kids.

17. Accepting––she lives by the principle “live and let live”. She doesn’t spend her time thinking about what is wrong with people she meets. She rather focuses on what is right about people and about life.

18. She accepts the fact that everyone has faults and everyone makes mistakes. She has no desire to judge others and this attitude makes her popular.

19. She has a seemingly childlike faith and trust in human beings––she always believes the best about others.

20. She rarely spreads vicious rumours although she likes to talk. She easily entrusts her life to God and is therefore seldom plagued by worry and fear as the other temperaments. She lives one day at a time.

Weaknesses of a Sanguine Wife

1. Too Talkative––often wonders why everyone else is quiet all the time. Because she doesn’t pay adequate attention to details she may say the wrong things and embarrass those close to her.

2. She tends to exaggerate for effect and therefore is seen as not telling the truth.

3. Permissive––she may allow her children to behave anyhow and may not take danger signs in marriage and life in general seriously.

4. She tends to avoid confrontation––since her goal in life is to have fun, she puts off dealing with problems.

5. Forgetful––they do not remember appointments and schedules.

6. Unreliable––she often gets excited about a role but is not around when it is being implemented.

7. She lacks attention to detail––she makes commitments without thinking about what it will take to follow through. She leaves a trail of broken promises.

8. Fussy––she fusses and complains when she has to work a little. She doesn’t like to work.

9. Messy Housekeeper––she never seems to know where anything is because she is disorganized. She has a hard time finding her curlers, make-up bag, keys, etc. She rarely has anything clean and tidy. She doesn’t enjoy cleaning the house and usually has an untidy bedroom.

10. Overwhelming––some people can’t stand sanguines. They find them too overwhelming.

11. Seems phony––other temperaments may misunderstand her motives. She can appear phony even when she has good intentions.



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