Sunday, October 6, 2024

What It Means To Be Married To A Wild Cat Pt. 2


A Wild Cat wife is an untrained, unspiritual and disobedient woman. She is one of the most difficult personalities to live with. This kind of wife is the worst kind of uncontrollable creature a pastor would like to encounter. She lives for herself and seems not to have any boundaries of common sense, love, decency, restraint, caution or spirituality.

The Beast: Bad Motherhood

Instead of being a good example to the children, such a woman is a bad mother to her children. She is full of resistance and arguments and every nice family event is in danger of turning into a huge quarrel. A man married to such a woman has to be both a father and a mother to his children.

A young man told me how he had cared for his pastor’s children for several years because his pastor’s wife had no time for her own children.

“What was she doing?” I asked, “Why couldn’t she look after her own children?”

“I don’t know” he answered. “All my pastor’s children were looked after by people like myself because his wife was simply non-performing in the real sense of the word.”

The Beast: Public Embarrassment

John Wesley’s wife was known to attack him openly. She once attacked him in front of his other pastors whilst he was having lunch in a canteen. She would attack him and accuse him of consorting with other women. This wild woman embarrassed John Wesley time and time again.

According to one of Methodism’s travelling preachers: “Once when I was in the north of Ireland, I went into a room and found Mrs Wesley foaming with fury. John Wesley was on the floor, where she had been trailing him by the hair of his head. She herself was still holding in her hand venerable locks, which she had plucked up by the roots.” Allegedly, this took place about a year and a half after they married.

On another occasion, John Wesley was at a meeting with more than sixty of his Methodist ministers. A lady called Sarah Ryan was serving the pastors with food.

Mrs Wesley burst into the room shouting and waving her finger at Sarah. Then she said, “The whore now serving you has three husbands living.”

A pastor’s child once told me how their father would give them instructions and their mother would intentionally go against the instructions. The father would say, “Do not watch television”, but the mother would put on the television for the children to watch.

The father would say, “You must not buy food from the street”, and the mother would buy the very food that their father had said they should not have.

Husbands are embarrassed as their Wild Cat wives publicly oppose them on every little instruction. The home becomes the ground for a ding-dong battle between husband and wife with the children at the centre of it all.

The Beast: Pretense

Central to the survival of this Wild Cat wife is a glorious image and public sympathy. The Wild Cat loves to bask in the glory of her position. The Wild Cat loves to receive all the respect and reverence due her position.

The Wild Cat is completely driven by the outward impressions that she wants people to have of herself and of her marriage. This hypocrisy is very painful for those who suffer the pain of living with her. To gain public acceptance she may even cry and tell many lies.

Unfortunately, many women are deceived and deceive others too. Many women deceive others with ease. A Wild Cat needs these lies to keep up the false image she has built for herself. Fake eyelashes, a fake smooth face without spots, fake breast size, fake hips, fake hair, fake nails and fake pleasantness are the hallmark of such women. Almost everything about them is unreal. That smiling, cheerful-looking girl taking a selfie, may actually be the most depressed, moody and unfriendly person.

Dag Heward-Mills



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