Saturday, October 5, 2024

The Shift (Recognize The Shift)


When He had come to His own country, He taught them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished and said, “Where did this Man get this wisdom and these mighty works? Is this not the carpenter’s son? […] – Matthew 13:53-54

This encounter was followed by one of Jesus’ most popular quotes; “A prophet is not respected in his own home.”

There is a certain trait in humans that makes us struggle to reconcile a past life with a new one. As a matter of fact, people who knew you when you were unsaved, poor, etc, would attempt to explain how you made it, albeit ignoring the primary reason – divine intervention. This happened to Jesus.

Despite travelling many miles, preaching the Gospel and performing mighty miracles, his own clan could not recognise that he was operating in a supernatural anointing. Their focus was on his background and upbringing.

Saul was victim to this as well. He could not accept that David, the young armour bearer he took in, had now received divine mandate and anointing to become the next king of Israel. He constantly fought against the will of God by pursuing his life until his last breath.

Many people miss out on divine helpers that God sends their way because they fail to see past their prejudices; they fail to recognise the shift! That the person they knew is no longer the same. That the hand of God has shifted the person from one level to another.

Your next miracle may come through your maid at home, the tabletop seller on the street, an intern at your workplace. I pray; in the name of Jesus, may your eyes be open to recognize when the shift happens!

Sam Korankye Ankrah



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