Sunday, October 6, 2024

God Will Make A Way For You When There’s No Way Out


Friends, this is what God called you for! God didn’t call you just to warm a church pew somewhere. God called you to do the works of Christ. He said, “Go ye into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” That’s the command to every one of us, because we have received the anointing of God, and it abides in us! Everywhere we go, we take the Kingdom of God. It’s time to get active, brothers and sisters.

Thus saith the Lord to His anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I have holden, to subdue nations before him; and I will lose the loins of kings, to open before him the two-leaved gates; and the gates shall not be shut.

Isaiah 45: 1

Do you know what God’s saying to you who are anointed? He is saying, “I don’t care if the doors are closed … I’ll make a way for you where there is no way out!”

God is going to put every one of you in an impossible situation. It’ll look like there is no way out … no way out to the right or to the left. You can’t go back because the devil is on your trail. There’s only one way to go … and that’s FORWARD.

When God brought His ancient people, Israel, out of bondage and out of captivity, the Bible says He turned them around and moved them down into an area where the Red Sea was. This was the long way around. God seldomly lets you go the easy way. He put the Israelites in a position where there were mountains on either side, and they heard the hoofbeats of the enemy behind.

But God said, “I’ll make a way! I’ll make a way where there is no way!”

Moses heard the hoofbeats of the enemy on their tail, and he began to cry out to God and say, “Lord, what am I going to do now?”

God said, “You’re wasting time calling Me. What’s that thing I put in your hands?”

“A rod.”

“Well, use it!”

God’s putting something in our hands. God has put a rod in your hand. Do you know what it is? “In the Name of Jesus, every knee has to bow.” I said EVERY KNEE! Every knee of sickness … every knee of DISEASE … every knee of destruction … every knee that comes before you. It has got to bow because of the ANOINTING of God that’s on the inside of you!

You have that power! You have that rod … “In the Name of Jesus!”

God says, “I’ll make a way where there is no way out!”

“What do You want me to do with the rod?”

“Stretch it out!”

“You mean just like that?”

And when Moses stretched it out, the waters backed up, and the Israelites walked over on dry ground!

Say this faith declaration out loud:

I claim victory in His Name and turn my impossibilities into possibilities! I will not be set back by fear. I will be strengthened by my growing faith!

Morris Cerullo



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