Saturday, October 5, 2024

Honour Your Mother


A wise son maketh a glad father: but a foolish man despiseth his mother. – Proverbs 15:20

It is quite sad that many people honour their fathers but have little or no respect for their mothers. People tend to disrespect their mothers because they are soft and readily accessible, whereas the fathers are tough and usually unavailable.

It is however foolish not to honour your mother. Ephesians 6:2 does not only say you should honour your father so you can live long, it asks you to honour your mother too. If you only honour your father and not your mother, then you are toying with untimely death.

 Mothers labour greatly over their children, so can you imagine how they feel when you esteem them lightly?

According to our memory verse for today, the Bible puts the man who says that there is no God in the same category as the man who despises his mother – they are both fools. This is how grievous it is to despise your mother.

If your mother is happy with you, you are already in for a great life. Moses’ mother arranged for him to be raised in the Palace and it was there that he got on the path to greatness. Many people have missed their greatness because they despised their mother and her advice.

 “My son, keep thy father’s commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother:” – Proverbs 6:20

Your mother has a very important role to play in your journey to greatness; you must never despise her! I am where I am today because of the prayers of my mother. Whenever I did something to please her, I recall she would say whenever I call on one, many would respond to me. Those prayers have manifested in my life today.

As powerful as Jesus was, He never despised His mother. He performed a miracle at His mother’s request, even though His time of manifestation was not yet fully come (John 2:3-12), simply because He could not disobey her. Can your mother say the same about you?

If you have been despising your mother, change your attitude to her henceforth. Today, do something to show her that you love and honour her.

Pastor E.A. Adeboye



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