Saturday, October 5, 2024



A few days ago I received an impression concerning the writing ministry as the “pulpit of the books”. This has led me to share with you on this thought believing it will add value to your leadership mandate.

Throughout the thousands of years mankind has occupied the earth, much work of leadership has revolved around the fruit of the writing ministry of preceding generations that walked with God.

This places the writing ministry, the pulpit of the books” as one of the most ancient ministries. Interestingly, right from the time of Moses leading Israel from Egypt until today, every generation of leaders has had to esteem highly the writing ministry of those who served God ahead
maintain everything on course.

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It is also very interesting that when the Lord Jesus Christ walked the earth, He used “… it is written …” to overcome the evil one and to establish the teachings of the kingdom of God. His coming and His whole life and ministry was all written by those who stood on the “pulpit of the books”.

The importance of this reminder of the foundations of the writing ministry is that if it broken, what can the righteous do? (Psalm 11:3). How can it be broken? It can be broken either by those who should write neglecting to read or by those who should read not reading what is written.

It occurred to my spirit a few months ago that any leader who is not an effective reader and also who does not lead God’s people to read is very likely to raise a spiritually illiterate generation of very backward, difficult to lead, impossible people that are disloyal and unpersuaded.
Nothing will change a generation if it excludes reading.

This is why followers of occultist movements follow things that you wonder why they do not see clearly in Scripture that they are not so. The evil one steals the heritage of the saints by keeping them out of reading—thus turning lights off against them.

As I write I have been mentored by my spiritual father Bishop Dag into writing through reading his books. When I started reading them, about seven years ago, I did not expect to write even this newsletter.

Yet four years later I began to write a weekly newsletter for our church, Grace Life This Week. Two years later I felt led to write a monthly newsletter, Leadership Perspectives for leaders in the ministry.

What I mean is that Bishop Dag’s pulpit of the books has had a very tremendous and far reaching impact on my life and ministry. It transformed me significantly and birthed in me a writing ministry too.
I find it very easy and exciting to write and I am very certain that an anointing to write fell on me through my spiritual connection with someone who writes books with much ease too.

What else shall I say?

The pulpit of the books remains the backbone and foundation of all authentic ministry. It has long lasting impact on generation after generation.

For instance, I did not know much about Papa Hagin and Rick Joyner, anointed and prophetic leaders and authors for the body of Christ.
Yet through following a father who believes in reading and writing, I got to know about these anointed vessels and began to read their books too.

Today I can testify something really rubbed on me in terms of writing.
I recommend that every leader must develop the art of writing even if is just a monthly journal of important thoughts and revelations that they receive from the Lord. What you write down may be the only fruit that will last for the generations of those who will never see you physically.

Look at us today. We read Moses’ writings, Isaiah’s writings, Amos’ writings and books from the writing ministries of men who probably did not have congregations, and we are blessed.

Their fruit of ministry still bears more fruit in our lives because they wrote down or at least what they learnt and heard from God was written down. Our faith is built upon those things they heard and saw. Oh what a blessing! The pulpit of the books!

Like I have already said, the writing ministry, the pulpit of books carries great weight that all of us who need to do well have to accept practically. It remains true that the depth of a minister and the substance of a ministry is very much affected by the input from the books and other sources that teach and impart knowledge, understanding and wisdom.

You remember Daniel (Daniel 9:2) openly declaring how he understood the will and purposes of God by reading the books. He read the writings of the prophet Jeremiah and understood what was happening to Israel. If a prophet of the order of Daniel depended on the writings of another prophet, how much more you and I?

I want to encourage every leader who wants to leave a legacy to train the people entrusted to their care to imbibe on books and believe in documenting important events, dreams, visions, notes from messages and every thing that will add to their faith and the faith of future generations.
I thank God for those who accepted to be used to write and have written books that present a whole Bible School to anyone willing to learn.

Tonderayi Chikanda

Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.



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