Sunday, October 6, 2024

The Origin of Time


Knowing the origin of something gives one a better understanding of it. On the other hand, ignorance of the purpose of anything will result in its inevitable abuse. Time is no exception. To fully understand time and its origins, we must go to the book of beginnings – where it all began. Time came out of eternity and will eventually give way to eternity. God is a Spirit and dwells in eternity. Before time, God was, and after time, He still will be. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

The Scriptures make it apparent that time came into being by divine mandate when God decided to create man in His image. Time came into being to fulfil a purpose. This was manifested when God came on the scene amidst the cosmic chaos and said, “Let there be light and there was light…and God divided the light from the darkness and God called the light Day and the darkness He called Night and evening and morning was the first day.” (Gen.1: 3-5)

All things were created by Him, and without Him was nothing made that was made (John 1:2). Therefore, in obedience to His commands, eternity gave birth to time by the undertaking of God’s Spirit and His spoken Word.

Everything on planet Earth is here for a purpose (Eccl. 3:1). If a part of creation did not have a purpose, it would not have become manifested in time. It’s for this same reason that I submit to you that you are not simply a living entity, but are alive for a clear-cut and unique purpose. That is why you have become manifested in time. Time was created for us and we were created to worship and have fellowship with God.

God, in His infinite wisdom has set seasons, which come with their unique natures, outlooks, demands and special levels of grave [grace?]. This setting of seasons makes it easier to undertake the activities that help creation fulfil its purpose. Misunderstanding of times and seasons will result in their abuse. The abuse of time impairs the manifestation of purpose and for this reason the importance of understanding God’s timing cannot be overstressed.

By Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams

 #TheOriginOfTime #ArchbishopNick



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