Sunday, October 6, 2024

CfaN taking Tanzania by storm


As part of the two-year evangelism training program, several young people have been sent to Tanzania to prepare for the upcoming crusade in Tanzania.

A group of people standing in front of a crowd

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Source: CfaN

The crusade is preceded by a three-week bootcamp whereby the young people are going for outreaches and ministering to the people in Arusha, one of the country’s biggest cities. One of them, Matias, said ‘We’re inhaling dust and exhaling the gospel’.

The young evangelists are being taken to remote places to outreach those who have never heard the gospel. The outreaches are held in schools, markets and other public places.

In three weeks, 165,000 people gave their lives to Christ.

Bill Ferguson, one of the evangelists, narrates one of his experiences during the three-week bootcamp:

“It has been an awesome and exciting time here on the mission field in Arusha, Tanzania. Our Bootcamp grads’ 2020 Initiation Trip under Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations, has been a life-changing experience. I would recommend Bootcamp 2021 for all evangelists to experience. This week I was preaching from the gospel trucks. One notable testimony happened when I went to pray for an older woman. I sensed the Holy Spirit wanted me to say to her that she had a curse over her life. I told her that Jesus is here to break the works of the devil and set her free. She told me that many times in her life she felt that there was a snake at the back of her neck, that curled around and went into her stomach. After I prayed for her, she said she felt the snake leave her body out of her neck and stomach. She was completely healed and afterwards gave Jesus all the glory! Also this week while we were preaching, a man came by and heard our gospel message. He then came over to the truck and gave his life to Jesus. He said he was in the hospital for months and could hardly walk on is legs. He went to a witch doctor who could not heal his legs. I prayed in the name of Jesus and Jesus broke the works of the devil over his life and he was completely healed. He testified that the witch doctor could not heal him; but that Jesus had healed him that day! When I was preaching on healing in the market this week, a number of people came up for healing. After I prayed for a group of people, then I felt to lay hands on them and pray. Many people were slain in the spirit. The power of God broke out and some were crying, and many testified that they were completely healed! God is awesome and praise His name!”.

The bootcamp is a great opportunity to answer the call of God and it is being led by Daniel Kolenda, a great evangelist who has led more than 22 million people to salvation.

Souce: CfaN

“God is truly raising up an army of evangelist to reach the next generation for Jesus.“

Source: CfaN

Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.



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