Sunday, October 6, 2024

“Use your influence for Kingdom advancement”


Pastor Ben Ochola is encouraging Christians not to step away from positions of influence.
He says that God puts Christians in different places of authority with a divine purpose to fulfil.

“A believer’s desire ought to be kingdom advancement,” he said, “It’s what drives us,”.

To commit to Christ whiles having an influential position, Pastor Ochola explained that a person should have the zeal for what God has planned on earthy and for the Holy Spirit.

“The zeal of our father’s house consumes us,” he said, as he read John 2:17.

Pastor Ochola uses King David, Joseph (Mark 15:46) and Dorcas (Acts 9:39) to explain how God calls people to be the candle in the dark.

“Our purpose (in places of influence) goes beyond luxury, comfort and enjoyment,” he said.

“It is about the kingdom. Therefore, our wealth is solely for the advancement of the kingdom. This is because we are pilgrims here on earth and all we have ultimately comes to pass. We therefore use our blessings to tap into the economy of eternity,” – Pastor Ochola.

People are influenced by the seven mountains, which have a huge impact on the thoughts and daily lifestyles. These are Family, Business, Politics, Education, Spirituality, Media and the Arts.

Pastor Ochola believes that Christians must engage in these “mountains” for Christ and His kingdom. “We therefore use our blessings to tap into the economy of eternity,” he said.

“Joseph was a man who understood the kingdom purpose for wealth. He used his wealth and influence to get the body of our Lord, to get Him a long linen cloth and to bury Him in a grave craved out of a rock! Dorcas was another disciple who used her business to bless the poor and the widows,”

Source: UG Christian News

Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.



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