Saturday, March 29, 2025

Franklin Graham: The Voice Of God Can Never Be Canceled – Part 1

Madness is sweeping across our country. 

I am referring to the ever-widening spread of what has been dubbed cancel culture, the suppression and intolerance of people whose viewpoints differ from what our godless society has deemed fitting and appropriate. 

Not surprisingly, the overwhelmingly left-wing cancel culture has aimed its most vicious verbal darts squarely at Christians who hold a Biblical worldview founded on the authority of God’s uncompromising Word. 

Let me give you just a few examples, though there are many. 

In the city of Boston, a Chick-fil-A food truck serving the campus of Boston University has been targeted by editors of the student newspaper who are offended by what they say is the company’s “deep-seated homophobia.” What that means is that the company, founded on Christian principles by Truett Cathy and now run by my friend Dan Cathy, has been attacked simply because Cathy has affirmed the sanctity of marriage between a man and a woman. Chick-fil-A’s charitable giving program, which in the past has donated to Christian organizations such as the Fellowship of Christian Athletes and the Salvation Army, also came under fire for their “discriminatory and homophobic practices.”

It’s no coincidence that a number of college campuses have banned Chick-fil-A because school leaders disagree with the corporation’s deeply held Biblical values. At Rider University, a private school in New Jersey, school administrators excluded the restaurant from campus, and a Christian who served as a dean at Rider and voiced support for Biblical values resigned because she said the school was not tolerant of her beliefs. This is the cancel culture at work.

In the U.K., a doctor who had served three decades as a medical assessor recently lost his government job because he believes that gender is determined before birth. Dr. David Mackereth was fired by the Department for Works and Pensions because he refused to use a transgender pronoun to describe a bearded man. “The Bible teaches us that God made humans male or female,” the doctor said. But a judge at an employment tribunal in England ruled that the doctor’s religious beliefs were “incompatible with human dignity.”

The threat of the cancel culture has gotten worse as social media giants like Twitter and Facebook have started censoring free speech and banning some users from their platforms. Recently, they shut down former President Donald Trump, and they have also targeted numerous private and public individuals, many of whom simply espouse traditional moral values.




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