Saturday, October 5, 2024

‘Heaven Is Real’: Woman Claims to Have Met Jesus during a Near-Death Experience


An Arizona woman claims to have gone to heaven and met Jesus Christ face to face after suffering a near-death experience. An Arizona woman claims to have gone to heaven and met Jesus Christ face to face after suffering a near-death experience.

On February 12th, 2018, Tina Hines suffered a sudden heart attack, rendering her unconscious.

“I’ve never seen anybody with their eyes rolled back and-and literally starting to turn purple,” her husband Brian recalled while seeing his wife’s body on the ground.

At the time, the Hines’ neighbor Jeff Logas tried finding a pulse and performed CPR to no avail.

“I thought she was dead,” Brian lamented.

According to Faithwire, Tina, who took a hard fall during the cardiac arrest, was rushed to Deer Valley Medical Center. Along with the cardiac crisis, Tina had a gash on her forehead after the fall, a cracked sternum and several cracked ribs from the CPR.

Despite resuscitation attempts by paramedics while on the way to the hospital, Tina remained unresponsive for over 20 minutes.

Friends and family members gathered with Brian in the waiting room and prayed for Tina.

“It was a prayer of desperation. I said, ‘God, take everything from my life if you’ll give me back, Tina,'” Brian shared.

Meanwhile, Tina’s sister, Tammi, and her husband, Dave, rushed to Phoenix from Arizona. During their commute, Dave recalled Tammi suddenly feeling a sense of peace come over her and asserted that her sister would be okay. Moments later, Brian texted Dave, “Tina is alive!”

While doctors managed to bring Tina back using defibrillation, Brian was informed that his wife would have to be induced into a coma so her body could relax while they ran tests to discover what happened.

“Most people don’t survive after 5-10 minutes of being without oxygen to the brain,” one doctor told Brian.

If Tina survived, Brian was told, she would likely have brain injuries and be left with a major handicap. The next day, doctors removed Tina from the ventilator to determine if she could breathe on her own. At that point, her vitals had restabilized.

“The doctor needs to know that you can breathe on your own. And I told them that you are superwoman. Can you show him that you can breathe on your own?” Brian said he whispered in his wife’s ear.

In response, Tina managed to breathe through her chest, in which the doctor told Brian, “‘That’ll work.” As she became conscious, Brian handed Tina a notebook and a pen on which she wrote “I-T-S-R-E-A-L.”

While Brian did not understand what Tina was referring to, she nodded yes after their daughter asked if the message was about heaven.

Dave noted, “And as soon as someone said Jesus, a peace came across her.”

“I just looked at Dave and said, ‘She’s going to be just fine,'” Brian added.

Four days later, Tina was discharged from the hospital without any brain impairment. While the doctor believed that Tina would not be able to speak for a while, she immediately had much to say about what had happened during her near-death experience.

“I just wanted to share that I saw Jesus face to face and the unbelievable rest and peacefulness of what I was experiencing was Jesus standing there with His arms open wide, and right behind Jesus standing there was this incredible glow it was the most vibrant and beautiful yellow,” Tina said.
An Arizona woman claims to have gone to heaven and met Jesus Christ face to face after suffering a near-death experience.

Today, Tina is preparing to run a half marathon and enjoying life.

“God is real in my life. Jesus is real. Heaven is real. I know that God can use every situation to make us who we are in Christ,” she asserted. An Arizona woman claims to have gone to heaven and met Jesus Christ face to face after suffering a near-death experience.

Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.



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