Friday, March 28, 2025

Christians Share Jesus With satanists At Boston SatanCon: ‘We Showed Them Kindness, Love In The Name Of Jesus’

Christians from across America infiltrated The Satanic Temple’s SatanCon in Boston, where they met with and witnessed to atheists and satanists at what was billed as the “largest satanic gathering in history” over the weekend. 

The gathering was held in downtown Boston on April 28-30, with the theme of “Hexennacht in Boston,” a German phrase that means “Witches Night in Boston.”

Evangelist Sean Feucht shared a video from the event on Twitter Sunday that showed one of the SatanCon attendees on stage ripping up pages from the Bible. Some of the Christians who were covertly ministering at the event claimed that nearly 100 people had made decisions to follow Jesus, he added. But that claim has been disputed by others. 

Lynn MacAskill, one of the regional leaders in Boston for Intercessors for America (IFA), was among the Christians at the event. She told The Christian Post, “While Christians were definitely in the venue and mingling with the SatanCon attendees, we did not hear of any salvations among attendees.” 

“However, we were told by several sources that Revive Boston and YWAM evangelists did record 98 salvations and at least 15 recommitments to the Lord among regular people during street evangelism,” MacAskill told CP on Tuesday.  In Feucht’s defense, MacAskill said the stories were simply “crossed,” but he was correct that Christians were in attendance at SatanCon.

“Numerous Christians from several teams did minister to SatanCon attendees though, with some great stories, so seeds were definitely sown,” she added. “God really did move as we were able to be in the venue. Everyone was peaceful and polite, and we felt God gave us specific prayer assignments, especially on Sunday, that were powerful.” 

MacAskill added, “There were many opportunities to show kindness and love to those attending in the name of Jesus.” Leading up to the event, Christians from across the United States prayed for the Christians who planned to attend the gathering.

“You could definitely tell a lot of prayer had gone before us due to the peaceful nature of interactions and openness of many, though definitely not all attendees, to dialogue with believers,” MacAskill said. The IFA Boston co-leader revealed that most of the attendees were “averse to being prayed for.” 

“A lot of them had been raised Christian and had been hurt or oppressed by the church, so I think that’s something we as the Body of Christ need to learn from so as not to push people away from knowing Jesus,” she continued. “Several evangelists shared with me that although they were opposing the Church, many of them smiled or their eyes softened or even shed tears when they heard the name of Jesus and that He loved them.”

Nevertheless, MacAskill believes “seeds were sown,” and now she charged believers to continue to show the love of Jesus to the world: “We need to be faithful to continue to pray that these seeds will be watered and that other Christians will be called to show the love of Jesus to these people wherever they call home.”

Jeannie Ortega Law, Christian Post Reporter 



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