Friday, March 28, 2025

World Renowned Healing Evangelists

In Matthew 9:35 the Bible says “And Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness and every disease among the people.” Healing is a major part of the great of the divine activities in the whole Bible.

If you were to cut out the healing miracles in the Bible you would not be left with much of it. Healing miracles are expected to accompany every believer’s ministry.

However, in the history of Christianity, there have always been men of God with a significant healing anointing. This article will look at a few of the world renowned healing evangelists with remarkable healing manifestations accompanying their ministries.

Dag Heward-Mills

The first world renowned healing evangelist is Dag Heward Mills. Healing Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills is well known around the world as a notable teacher of the Word of God and a best-selling author. However, he was led into the ministry of an evangelist.

World Renowned Healing Evangelist

Fulfilling the scripture in Matthew 25:35-36, his evangelist ministry, Healing Jesus Campaign, has presented the full gospel of Jesus Christ through powerful preaching, divine healing, pastors’ conferences, free medical care and distribution of clothes to the needy.

With over 100 crusades since it began in 2004, HJC has recorded massive crowds, over 7 million decisions for Christ and notable miracles such as are recorded in Jesus’ ministry: the blind see, the deaf hear, the lame walk, chronic diseases are healed and even the dead are raised.

If you would like to know more about world renowned healing evangelist take a look at the video below:

Benny Hinn

The second world renowned healing evangelist is Benny Hinn. People around the globe know Pastor Benny Hinn as a noted evangelist, teacher, and the author of best-selling books including Good Morning, Holy Spirit, Mysteries of the Anointing, The Anointing, and Lamb of God.

World Renowned Healing Evangelist

His TV program, This Is Your Day, is among the world´s most-watched Christian programs ever, seen daily in over 100 countries. Pastor Benny continues to take the message of God’s life-saving and miracle-working power of the Gospel around the globe.

If you would like to know more about Benny Hinn take a look at the video below:

Reinhard Bonnke

The third and last evangelist for this article is Reinhard Bonke. Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke gave his life to the Lord at age nine and heard the call of God to do missionary work in Africa while he was a teenager. However, it was after he graduated from the Bible college in Wales and he relocated to Lesotho in Africa and he started missionary work that his call really became clear to him.

World Renowned Healing Evangelist

One night he had a dream where he saw the whole continent of Africa being washed in the precious Blood of Jesus. Though it was a struggle initially to hold crusades, be persisted by the help of the Holy Spirit and has recorded over 1.6 million people attending one crusade session.
If you would like to know more about Reinhard Bonnke, take a look at the video below:



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