Saturday, February 22, 2025

A Day Of Mourning


Thousands of pro-lifers gathered in Empire State Plaza Convention Center on Saturday to observe a Day of Mourning against New York’s recent law declaring a “fundamental right” to virtually-unlimited abortion, with even more participating across the country.

Late last month, New York enacted a law codifying a “right” to abortion into the third trimester, erasing the state’s recognition of preborn babies as potential homicide victims, removing abortion from the penal code, and letting non-doctor medical workers commit abortions. Democrats and activists cheered the law’s passage in the state capital, and Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo ordered the One World Trade Center’s spire be lit in pink to commemorate it.

In response, a group of pro-life organizers designated February 23 as a Day of Mourning to demonstrate against the so-called “Reproductive Health Act.”

The website of the Day of Mourning said this:

“The state of New York has crossed a line of inhumanity that should drive us to our knees. Forty-six years of the state-sanctioned killing of our most helpless and defenseless children should cause us to weep, to mourn, and to take action. What is to be thought of a society that kills her own children? What will the future be of such a heartless society that celebrates such barbaric inhumanity?

“‘If the foundations be destroyed what shall the righteous do?’ (Psalm 11:3) We are calling for a national Day of Mourning and repentance. We are in desperate need for God to move upon the hearts of young and old in our nation. If our hearts do not break over the killing of these little image bearers of God in the womb, then how can we expect those growing up in this lost, confused and decadent culture to take our message seriously?”

Organizers called on Americans to set this day aside and: WEAR BLACK; DON’T SHOP; CLOSE BUSINESSES; REPENT FOR ABORTION.

Jesus Christ is the only hope of our nation. Without His intervention, we are utterly lost, careening down a swirling spiral of self-destruction.

There is no political solution to our nation’s deepest problems, no earthly fix to our woes.

We must look to the Lord and Him alone. In prayer. In repentance. In mourning. In action.

We must cry out to God for mercy, repenting for our hardness, our complacency, our worldliness.

Then we must get involved in the business of saving lives and saving souls, beginning in the womb.

We must repent of our indifference and then, with the Lord’s help, go and make a difference.

Do we forsake the political process? Do we give up on the courts? Do we turn our backs on public education? Do we assume that Hollywood is too far gone?

To the contrary, we bring prayer and the gospel into each of these realms, staying involved as witnesses and voting and petitioning and taking righteous stands.

But we know there is only hope for America. That no president is our savior. That no political party can redeem us. That our schools need a reformation. That Hollywood needs a revolution. And even at their best, the White House cannot save us, the courts cannot deliver us, the schools cannot transform us, and Hollywood cannot liberate us.

The answers we need are found on our knees, confessing our own sins, recognizing our own faults, acknowledging our own guilt, asking for mercy.

The answers we need are found on our feet, sharing God’s love, serving our neighbors, rescuing the unborn, preaching the gospel, shining the light, speaking the truth.


Source: Michael Brown, CP Op-Ed Contributor



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