The world of Christian literature offers an extensive selection of acclaimed authors and books, leaving readers with questions like, "What should I choose to...
In today's discourse, we present a selection of the best books for Christian marriages. As human beings, the yearning for love and connection resonates...
The "Give Thyself Wholly" conference brought together an assembly of christian leaders today. People traveled from distant corners to glean insights into ministry principles...
Dag Heward-Mills, renowned as a healing evangelist and one of the top Christian leaders globally, recently had a transformative Pastors' Conference in Libreville, Gabon....
Mega churches continue to be a burgeoning trend in numerous African nations, Asia, Europe, the US, and beyond. However, this trend goes beyond merely...
Some of the best books on church growth include: Successful Home Cell groups, Church Growth, Mega Church, The purpose driven Church and Breakout Churches