Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Back In Africa! – Kisumu, Kenya

We have just returned from the final night of our Gospel Crusade here in Kisumu, Kenya. As we were driving toward the field tonight we could see ominous black clouds and lightning threatening our open air meeting.
The wind was blowing the storm toward the crusade, but we prayed and pushed forward with the meeting. The storm passed over us and everyone stayed dry.

The meeting was glorious. Many thousands responded to the Gospel and wonderful miracles happened.

Last night we had an incredible move of God. It is hard for me to adequately describe what happened. When we prayed over the crowd to receive a baptism in the Spirit, the power of God came down in a tangible way.

I became so inebriated, I found it difficult to minister. Bodies lay all over the ground. Little children were weeping in the presence of God. I asked a little girl what she was feeling and she said, “Power.”

Many received deliverance from demons and many miracles happened. Here are a few of the miracles from the last couple days of crusade meetings:

  • A woman, crippled by arthritis totally healed! She could walk and even jump.
  • Many people with chronic pain, some with pain lasting for years, said the pain suddenly vanished and has not returned.
  • A tumor that a woman had in her stomach for 10 years vanished.
  • A girl possessed by demons for 6 years was delivered.
  • A man with a paralyzed arm – the result of an attack by robbers over a year ago – was totally healed.
  • A woman whose mother had been insane since 1989 said that her mother has totally returned to her right mind.
  • I had a word of knowledge about someone being healed from an abscess on the right side of their mouth. Two ladies came forward, One had the abscess and severe swelling and pain for over a year and the other for two months. Both were instantly healed, the swelling and pain vanished.

There were many, many more testimonies. Too many to mention. Suffice it to say, Kisumu has been shaken by the power of the Gospel.

Our team of evangelists are already leaving in the morning to the city where our next crusade will be held in Nigeria.



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