Tuesday, March 25, 2025


Best Books On Church Growth

Some of the best books on church growth include: Successful Home Cell groups, Church Growth, Mega Church, The purpose driven Church and Breakout Churches

Live before you die

God has a plan for everyone. Do you know yours? The eternal, omnipotent, all-wise God made you with His own hands. Before you were even...

Born Again

Charles Colson chronicled conversion in 1976 bestseller In the summer of 1973, under intense scrutiny and facing possible arrest for his role in the Watergate...

Excerpt from “Evangelism by Fire” By Reinhard Bonnke

Holy Spirit evangelism makes use of the weapons that God has given for this task, namely the gifts of the Spirit.Anointed preaching, along with anointed...

What It Means For The Sheep To Have No Shepherd

1. AIMLESSNESS:  People are aimless and without direction when there is no shepherd to lead them out and bring them in. And Moses spake unto...

Fulfilling Our Mission: A Guide to Sharing God’s Love and Understanding True Salvation” by Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke: A Book Review

"Fulfilling Our Mission: A Guide to Understanding God's Calling" by Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke is a must-read for individuals who are seeking to understand their purpose in life and fulfill their mission. The author draws on biblical stories and principles to provide guidance on how to share the love of God with others and understand true salvation. With teachings like "God equips the least likely individuals for His providential purposes" and testimonials from well-known Christian authors and ministers, this book is an inspiring and practical guide for those seeking to take the next step in their spiritual journey. Don't miss out on this exciting new release, available now on Charismata News!

The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C. S. Lewis

"The Most Reluctant Convert: The Untold Story of C.S. Lewis," a film tracing C.S. Lewis' journey from passionate atheist to one of the most...

Rhapsody of Realities Hits 7000 Language Translations.

Pastor Chris announces the translation of Rhapsody of Realities into 7000 languages of the world. It’s a goal for Jesus.  Rhapsody is available in over...


Seeing and hearing are the practical ways to receive more of God into your life. From the prolific author comes another masterpiece. This...

The Makarios Library

By wisdom is a house built, by understanding it is established, and by knowledge its rooms are filled.... Proverbs 24. 3-4 The Makarios sets of...

Frederick Buechner, Presbyterian minister and author, dies at 96

Frederick Buechner, a Presbyterian minister, theologian, speaker and prolific author of both fiction and nonfiction books, has died at the age of 96. Buechner’s passing...

The Real Fight Is The One You Can’t See! SPIRITUAL WARFARE DEMYSTIFIED by Daniel Kolenda

If you’ve ever ridden a bicycle, you probably already know that you can feel a hill, even if you can’t see it. Some grades...

