Communist officials in China interfered with the funeral of an elderly underground bishop, citing concerns with spreading the coronavirus. However, some Chinese Christians believe...
For millions around the world, the coronavirus is bringing day-to-day routines to a halt. As we face an unpredictable future, what’s something tangible you...
The Government has issued a number of releases in line with managing the Coronavirus pandemic.
The Ghana Charismatic Bishops’ Conference has noted the travel bans,...
Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias has been diagnosed with a rare form of bone cancer.
In a Facebook post on Thursday, Zacharias said doctors discovered a cancerous tumor...
Some churches including Southern Baptist congregations in Kentucky say they have no plans to shutter amid the new coronavirus epidemic despite a request from...
The prevalence of a “watered-down” gospel and the culture’s shift to a secular age are the leading concerns among Protestant pastors about the Christian...
After his acquittal on two articles of impeachment, President Donald Trump addressed the 68th annual National Prayer Breakfast Thursday extolling his victory while bemoaning those...