Saturday, October 5, 2024

Chronicles Of Crusade In Tanzania Continued – Day 2


Yesterday was the second day of the Dar Es Salaam crusade with Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills i and his crusade team. the profound message of salvation was brought home so effectively with great power and anointing.

It was therefore not surprising to once again see the crowds in their thousands lifting up their hands to pray to receive Jesus, God confirming the preaching of his word with signs and wonders and miracles following.

A lady had a huge tumor under her breast for 2 years. This made it appear as though she had 3 breasts. As the Evangelist prayed, she fell down and when she got up the tumor had completely disappeared. What a miracle!!!

A lady had swellings of both feet as a result of a kidney disease. After the prayer by the Evangelist, her feet suddenly shrunk.

Another man couldn’t stand nor walk without a stick for about 4 years. After the prayer he suddenly could stand and walk without needing to use the stick. Glory to God.
This lady came to the crusade grounds with a condition known as Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM). She experienced severe headache consistently. She also had a lump in her breast. After the prayers, the pain in her head suddenly stopped and the lump in her breast also vanished. What a Blessing!!!
Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills
Many Were Shocked By The Miracles
Many More Were Delivered From Satan’s Power

The question is how many of such crusades still go on today and in which cities?

Charismata News will follow this crusade with keen interest and bring you more updates.

By : Luca / Charismata News Reporter



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