Saturday, October 5, 2024

EU Suing Poland, Hungary & Czech Republic For Refusing Islamic Migrants


The European Union (EU) is accusing Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic of refusing to share the “burden” of allowing Muslim migrants into their countries.

On December 4 the European Commission — the governing body of the European Union that proposes legislation and implements the EU’s decisions — launched “infringement procedures” against the three countries, claiming they are “in breach of their legal obligations.”

The EU ruled in 2015 that 160,000 refugees be distributed throughout most member countries of the EU.

Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic were required to take in about 8,000 Muslims migrants. Poland and Hungary have not taken in any migrants while the Czech Republic has taken in 12 people.

After the massive jump in Muslim-perpetrated crimes in countries like Great Britain, Germany, France and Sweden — Poland’s leaders have pledged to protect Polish citizens.

Beata SzydÅ‚o, Poland’s ex-Prime Minister, maintained “it is impossible not to connect” the uptick in European terror attacks and the influx of Muslim migrants.

Poland’s Deputy Foreign Minister asserted, “No one will lift the duty of providing public safety from the Polish government.”

Viktor Orbán, Hungary’s Prime Minister, has called Muslim migrants “a poison,” claiming “every single migrant poses a public security and terror risk.”

safety from the Polish government.Tweet

He has been fighting his own battle against globalist George Soros, a secular Jew born in Hungary who has been using his billions of dollars to fund progressive programs like Muslim immigration, the acceptance of homosexuality and legalization of abortion and euthanasia.

Orbán slammed the EU in August when he declared there was a concerted effort to de-Christianize Europe and that Muslim migration was part of that program.

“We can never show solidarity with ideologies, peoples and ethnic groups, which are committed to the goal of changing the very European culture, which forms the essence, meaning and purpose of the European way of life,” he warned. “We must not show solidarity with groups and ideologies which oppose the aims of European existence and culture because that would lead to surrender,” he asserted.

Hungarian government minister András Aradszki called Soros’ work “satanic,” commenting that Europe is bowing to a “globalist agenda,” noting that Christianity itself is under attack:

We see this with abortion, euthanasia, same-sex marriage and the forced politicization of gender theory. The Soros mercenaries do not cite the Holy Father’s thoughts on this. We see the great European attacks against families, in which Soros and his comrades want to destroy the independence and values of nation states for the purpose of watering down the Christian spirit of Europe with the forced settlement of tens of millions of migrants. But the fight against Satan is a Christian duty. Yes, I speak of an attack by Satan, who is also the angel of denial, because they are denying what they are preparing to do — even when it is completely obvious. They frantically try to prove that there is no quota, there is no compulsory settlement and the Soros Plan does not exist.

Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic are claiming the EU cannot interfere with their sovereignty and that they will fight to keep the Islam out of their nations.

Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.



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