Monday, March 31, 2025

Every Decision Counts Pt 3

The power to create a massively successful year is in your hands!
You decide. You choose. You control your destiny by controlling your decisions…

One thought, one decision at a time.

This is what commanding your morning is all about; it’s about you taking command of your life one thought, one word, one decision at a time.

When you command your morning, you will change the quality of your life.

The Commanding Your Morning Daily Devotional teaches you to begin your day proactively from a posture of authority and declarative prayer.

The Psalmist declared, “My eyes stay open through the watches of the night, that I may meditate on your promises” (Psalm 119:148).

What you decree before you go to bed at night and continue to declare as you rise in the morning will keep the unseen realm moving on your behalf.

Learn to start your day with power and end it with blessing.

When you employ this strategy, you activate a twenty-four-hour anointing—an anointing that brings all the elements surrounding your life into divine alignment with God’s purpose for you.

When you change your words, you change your reality!





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