Saturday, October 5, 2024

Faith Tabernacle Now Holds 4 Services Starting From Sunday 11, November 2018


Ours is a Liberation Commission, which demanded ministering to the challenged, afflicted and oppressed individuals, using all biblical weapons available to us, including laying on of hand.

The 5th service was designed to accomplish this task, but somehow, after four services, to minister to the crowd that attends the 5th service is quite a task, particularly when quite a number may not require such ministration but will still want to be ministered to.

In addition, to carry on with the teaching series breaks the focus in ministering to the needs of the people.

By the prompting of the Holy Spirit, we all saw the impact of the Special healing service that held in the last week of September this year, where we harvested a great number of humbling testimonies of healings and deliverances through laying on of hands. These include the following:

  • “On September 23, 2018, I brought my three-year-old-son who had never walked to church for Special Healing Service declared by the Bishop. I built up my faith and trusted God for my child’s healing. As the Bishop laid his hand on him, a metal fell from his leg and immediately my baby began to walk!” – MARY JOSEPH
  • 1-year Cancer with all the pains gone instantly as the Bishop laid his hands on me – ORJI S.U
  • 6 years HIV infection healed by the power of God as the Bishop laid his hand on me during last month’s healing service. I now have my clean medical report – BASSEY, N
  • Healed instantly from a 3-year stroke after the Bishop laid his hand on me. I was carried into the service but can now walk on my own – LANGS DAVOU
  • 13-year lumbar stiffness healed as the Bishop laid his hands on me. I could not stand properly before, but I am now moving around – MRS DEBORAH ONIWINDE

Therefore, the need to create a platform for effective ministration to the sick and the afflicted individuals, a special healing and deliverance service shall hold henceforth every Tuesday of the week. Time: 10 am to 12noon.

As we all know, the needs of the people are not seasonal, we, therefore, need to maintain a platform for continuous ministration to the needs of the people.

For this reason, the current 5th service shall be merged with 4th service and we shall continue to enlarge our overflow facilities as the needs arise.

Therefore, we shall henceforth hold only 4 services on Sunday at the Faith Tabernacle from SUNDAY NOVEMBER 11, 2018.

The schedule of service remains the same while the last service ends at 1.15pm



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