Friday, October 4, 2024

Fierceness And Persistence; The Story Of The Lion


The Lion is a fearless animal. He is the King of the jungle. Runs from no one and is respected as such. His roar sends shivers down the spine of all who hear it both man and animals alive. The strength of the lion is not in doubt even though it knows when to back down.

Success for lions is when they achieve the task at all costs. To get food or even lead a pride of lions, means a lion must be prepared to fight, sometimes to death.

Jesus, was prepared to fight till death to gain freedom for believers and he is rightfully called the lion of the tribe of Judah.

Today, how many followers of this Jesus can be described as lions?

How many pastors will travel far to a different country, fight the demonic power and overcome them establish a mission for Jesus?

How many people who carry the title Evangelists will roam the plains and Savannahs of Africa defying all traditional and wicked principalities and politicians to win souls for Jesus.

How many true prophets can wear camels clothing and stay in the wilderness eating honey and locust so as to speak the truth and point the way of life to nations or defy politicians and call them their correct description: corrupt.

Are they not calling themselves prophets of the nations?

How about the Apostles? Can they fearlessly send their young sons away from the safety and comfort of the pride (the home church)? to far countries to fight, take over and overcome to build a mission? Why do believers sing about the Lion of Judah who gave His life for them when they themselves are no lions? Maybe the church today is full of domesticated cats who whimper and purr looking anxiously towards their owners to give them food.

But wait! When I look on the African horizon, I can see a lion or traces….in Nigeria holding crusades even though not an African, this lion called Reinhard Bonnke was not deterred of skin colour or language barrier. Ploughed Nigeria for souls. Now he is the old lion. Is there not a younger lion rising up to fight to evangelize Africa and the world?

I am told of a man of mixed race and descent who has risen to roar once again on the evangelistic plain, to defy all the powers and challenges that present itself, to overcome all the roadless and mapless plains of Africa to take the gospel of Jesus to every corner.

A medical doctor by profession and a founder of large denominations called the United Denominations Originating from the Lighthouse Group of Churches.

Riding on with the trucks of the Healing Jesus Crusade, this lone lion roared in Ghana, West Africa, South Africa and now Eastern Africa, the region of the lions.

As i put my pen to this article, my prayer is for God to raise more lions like Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills to roam not just Africa with trucks holding crusades, defying and overcoming all principalities and powers with roars that send shivers down the spines of corrupt and wicked leaders on the continent; but also the rest of this dying world.

The church is indeed in dire need of more lions.





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