Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Ghana Charismatic Bishops Conference Calls for Prayer and National Transformation


The Ghana Charismatic Bishops Conference has issued a powerful communique, urging Ghanaians to unite in prayer for the country’s spiritual, economic, and social advancement. The bishops emphasized the need for national transformation in key areas, including moral leadership, economic sustainability, infrastructure development, and security, while also calling for a peaceful 2024 general election.

In their statement, the bishops stressed the importance of building a God-fearing nation. “We pray that Ghana will be a nation of people who love and fear God,” they declared, referencing Psalm 111:10. They called for a society free from sin, injustice, and wickedness, where moral integrity thrives.

Economic and Environmental Growth

The communique highlighted the need for a shift from environmentally destructive practices to innovation-led industries. The bishops prayed for Ghana to focus on sustainable economic activities that protect natural resources, such as farmlands, rivers, and forests. “May Ghana become a nation busy with increasing returns from technological innovations, services, and manufacturing,” they said.

Infrastructure and Road Safety

The bishops called for the transformation of Ghana’s infrastructure, praying for all cities and towns to have paved roads. They also focused on road safety, praying for highways that reduce the frequent deadly accidents. “May Ghana have safe intercity highways and may serious road accidents become a thing of the past,” they stated.

Tourism and Higher Education

The bishops urged for strategic development in tourism, particularly through historic sites like Elmina and Cape Coast Castles. They prayed for an influx of international visitors, seeing tourism as a key sector for economic growth.

In addition, they expressed hopes for Ghana to become a destination for higher education. “Oh Lord, make Ghana attractive to international students, and may our universities grow in excellence and reputation,” they prayed.

National Security and the Military

The communique also focused on security, praying for increased resources and training for the nation’s security forces to effectively combat crime. They called for a strong, well-equipped military capable of contributing to national stability.

Engaging the Diaspora

Recognizing the value of Ghanaians living abroad, the bishops prayed for policies that would welcome and integrate them into national development efforts. They noted that remittances from Ghanaians abroad significantly surpass revenues from cocoa and oil, highlighting the need to engage the diaspora more effectively.

Prayers for Peaceful Elections

As Ghana prepares for the 2024 elections, the bishops concluded with a call for peace. They prayed for the nation to accept the election results peacefully and set an example of democracy for the world. “Oh God, make Ghana a great, peaceful, and famously democratic nation,” they declared.

The bishops’ communique calls for collective action through prayer, urging all Ghanaians to stand together for the country’s future.

May God bless Ghana forevermore!

This message serves as a timely reminder of the nation’s potential for growth and peace, especially as it approaches a pivotal election year.

Attached is the full Communique

  1. We, the Ghana Charismatic Bishop’s Conference pray earnestly for Ghana to be a God-fearing nation! We pray that Ghana will be a nation of people who love and fear God. May sin, deceptions, wickedness, robbery, murder , injustice and perversions not flourish nor thrive in Ghana forever.

Psalm 111:10.

“The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth forever.”

  1. We, the Ghana Charismatic Bishop’s Conference pray for the lasting prosperity of Ghana. May our nation be delivered from diminishing returns economic activities that destroy the pastures, destroy the farmlands, destroy the forests, destroy the rivers and destroy the environment. May our nation be delivered from having only diminishing returns activities that degrade our lands, deplete our fish populations that empty our mines and that finish our oil reserves. May Ghana become a nation busy with newer increasing returns economic activities that stem from innovations, technological changes, manufacturing, services and synergies.
  1. The Ghana Charismatic Bishop’s Conference does pray that Ghana will be a nation of beautiful cities and towns with tarred and concrete roads. We pray for Ghana that every single town and city will be beautifully paved with asphalt or concrete so that all dust and dirt paths and dirt lanes will be removed from all our towns and cities.
  1. We, the Ghana Charismatic Bishop’s Conference pray for a basic connection between our biggest cities and regional capitals with safe highways of at least three lanes on either side.

Oh God, please make Ghana a nation of beautiful safe intercity highways. May serious road traffic accidents that kill thousands of people every year become a thing of the past.

  1. We, the Ghana Charismatic Bishop’s Conference pray for Ghana to become a great tourist destination! We pray for Ghana to make strategic use of the iconic Elmina castle, Cape Coast Castle and the Christiansburg Castle, the likes of which cannot be found anywhere else in the world.

Oh God, may we attract important visitors and tourists from the world to visit Elmina, Cape Coast and Accra. May our nation receive a great boost in tourism.

  1. We, the Ghana Charismatic Bishop’s Conference pray earnestly for Ghana to be a safe nation to live in! May armed robbery and murder become a thing of the past. Let Ghana not lose her reputation of being a very peaceful and very safe nation. May the security services be equipped and trained and multiplied so that they have the upper hand in the fight against nationwide crime. Oh Lord, grant us peace and security.
  1. We, the Ghana charismatic Bishops conference pray for Ghana to become a great destination for higher education! Oh Lord, make Ghana attractive for thousands of foreign and international students seeking higher education. Let our great universities become even greater and more attractive. We pray that our universities will have a great reputation, great attraction and a great capacity and excellence.
  1. We, the Ghana Charismatic Bishop’s Conference pray for Ghana to have a modern, larger, stronger and properly equipped military! Every great nation has a great military.

Oh Lord, may our military, as a special disciplined force, be a great force for good in the nation.  For stability, for internal security, for construction and in the education of the nation.

  1. We, the Ghana Charismatic Bishop’s Conference pray for Ghana to accept and to integrate dual citizens and Ghanaians in the diaspora into the nation.

Oh God, may we attract the Ghanaians abroad to help and contribute to our nation without driving them away.  Ghana earns more from inflows from Ghanaians abroad than from both cocoa and oil combined. May dual citizens and all other Ghanaians abroad be encouraged eager and happy to come back home, either to visit or to stay.

Oh God, Ghana’s inflow from remittances is higher compared to cocoa, oil and even gold. The nation generated $28.6 billion from remittances over a 10-year period as compared to $18.7 billion from cocoa and $7.6 billion from gold. (Source:

Oh God, let bless the work of the hands of Ghanaians in the diaspora and at home. Let the remittance flows you are blessing us with continue to grow and revive our cocoa and gold forex inflows.

  1. Finally, the Ghana Charismatic Bishop’s Conference prays for Ghana to have a peaceful election in 2024. We pray that the whole nation will peacefully accept and agree with the outcome of the upcoming elections and be a shining example of peaceful democracy to all other nations. O God Make Ghana a great a peaceful and a famously democratic nation! The charismatic bishops conference is committed to praying for the peace and prosperity of Ghana according to the scriptures. May God bless Ghana forevermore!

1 Timothy 2:1-3 (ERV)

First of all, I ask that you pray for all people. Ask God to bless them and give them what they need. And give thanks. [2] You should pray for rulers and for all who have authority. Pray for these leaders so that we can live quiet and peaceful lives-lives full of devotion to God and respect for him. [3] This is good and pleases God our Savior.

Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.


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