Sunday, February 23, 2025

In every sphere in heaven and earth Christ is Lord


Augustus, emperor of Rome, had attained supreme lordship in BC 27.

His birth name was Octavius but they created the title Augustus to honor his eminence. However, to Luke, Caesar Augustus was only background to the Lord from heaven.

That child bedded in straw in a feeding trough was to impact the world in a way no emperor could imagine, and a wider world than Augustus dreamed existed.

Augustus described himself as ‘lord and savior’, which was self-flattery! Luke placed the birth of Jesus in a world setting. Jesus is Lord! Lord of all kings, King of all lords.

Augustus was appointed as sole emperor by the authority of the Senate. Jesus needed no Senate, no presidential campaigning, nor electors. Jesus never became King.

He had always been King and was born King. Nobody else ever was. They only became king and received royal authority at their crowning.

Nobody ever crowned Jesus, except with thorns. He derives His authority from nobody. He is what He is, all-sufficient, El Shaddai.

He did not come as a candidate and we are not His acceptance committee. Christ is Lord and has overcome enemies that no power of Rome, no power of any state, could subdue.

The world’s technology and military might is not able to cure the curse of the demonic evils and guilt that trouble mankind. But Jesus does! In every sphere in heaven and earth Christ is Lord, and has shown Himself supreme always and everywhere.

He has the keys even of death and hell.

God bless you today.


Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.



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