Sunday, February 23, 2025

Induction Of The Bishop And The Diocesan Lay Chairman Of The Sefwi Bekwai Diocese Of The Methodist Church


The Sefwi Bekwai Diocese of The Methodist Church Ghana inducted a new Bishop and Diocesan Lay Chairman for the Diocese. The Diocese is made up of 31, 788 members representing 3.84% of the entire Connexional Membership Community for the 2017 statistical returns. Both the Bishop and the Lay Chairman were elected by the Diocese during their 2018 Annual Synod.

The induction Service brought over 2,600 people from the Connexion to grace the event. The Induction was held at the Calvary Methodist Cathedral – Sefwi Bekwai. The service was officiated by the Executive of The Methodist Church Ghana led by The Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Dr. Paul Kwabena Boafo, The Lay President, Bro. Bernard Clement Kwesi Botwe and The Administrative Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Michael Agyakwa Bossman.

Diocesan Lay Chairmen, past Lay Presidents and Bishops were all around to support them. Family and friends were not left out.

Robing with Vestments and Insignia of office: The Bishop was robed in a very beautiful gown with the stole of office designed with the Diocesan logo. The robing followed the Episcopal process of recognition symbolic with vestments that shows authority, Connexionalism and unity in the Body of Christ. Before the Bishop was robbed, The Lay President of The Methodist Church Ghana, Bro. Bernard Clement Kwesi Botwe presented him to the Presiding Bishop for his induction having read the constitutional mandate given by the Synod of the Diocese and endorsed by Conference. The following were presented to the Bishop.

The Skull Cap indicates that the head that was once crowned with thorns is now crowned with glory of leadership. The Pectoral Cross indicates his sharing in the authority of the Methodist Church Ghana. The Connexional Bible is the token of authority from God to teach and transform the people under his authority. The Ring signifies his fidelity to the Church in Christ. The Constitution of the Methodist Church Ghana was also presented to him as a guide to enforce the doctrines of the Methodist Church Ghana. These vestments are symbolic of his office and seeks to remind him of his responsibility to the people “Called Methodists” called by grace and saved through Christ.

The Lay chairman was also inducted into office in a very beautiful solemn manner. He was robed with a gown and badge of office by the Lay President, Bro. Bernard Clement Kwesi Botwe. It was all joy as Bro. Alex Manu Adubofour responded to his charge with a promise of commitment to serve the people of Sefwi Bekwai.

The Sermon: The Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev’d. Dr. Paul Kwabena Boafo gave a very thought-provoking sermon that reflected on “Adding up to our numbers”. He cited the Apostles in Acts 2 as people who worked very hard to win souls for God. He charged the Bishop and the Lay Chairman to teach like the Apostles with focus on true word of God, praying for the weak and even our enemies, breaking of bread and fellowship as a family in love. He again charged them to serve in humility and in love.  Long Live! The Methodist Church Ghana, Long Live! Sefwi Bekwai Diocese.


Story by: Alexander Nii Odartey Lamptey (Content Manager-CPD)



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