Thursday, March 27, 2025

Multiplication After The Dangers, Toils And Snares!!

The last Gospel Crusade for Cfan and family in Ghana , has ended with an amazing report.

The last Gospel crusade of the year ended on a very high note. The crowds more than doubled the last night. There were many tens of thousands of decisions for Christ documented and so many amazing miracles took place!

The big mandate on Cfan in this season is “Multiplication.” And it played a part in everything that was done to train, equip and deploy laborers into the harvest.  In this crusade, the impact of these multiplication efforts could be felt. The whole city was reeled from the 2,862 separate outreaches that shook the region in a three-week period leading up to the crusade resulting in 350,693 documented decisions for Christ! Many reports from local pastors that they have been stirred and convicted by the passion of these Bootcamp evangelists—so much so that many are continuing to conduct the same kinds of outreaches after the Cfan team has left. One major denomination in Ghana sent representatives to learn what happened so that they can implement the Bootcamp outreach strategies across the entire nation!

Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.



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