Tuesday, March 25, 2025

No Weeping, No Gnashing!!!

What will make Pastors and Preachers of the good news weep and gnash their teeth?

But it looks like that it is possible for Pastors, Apostles, Prophets, Teachers and actually all church workers to weep and gnash their teeth at the judgement seat of Christ.

But what will bring this unfortunate situation?

If pastors do the work of God and forge the God of the work!
If pastors fail to be fruitful and expand the kingdom of God
If pastors fail to preach salvation by which, many can be saved etc.

All these are possible reasons why pastors may weep and gnash their teeth. But how does it come?

How do you avoid becoming someone who will weep and gnash your teeth? How do you identify the symptoms and escape it totally?

All these were expounded in the just ended Pastors Conference on the sidelines of the Healing Jesus Campaign in Libreville, Gabon.

It was a five-day campaign that saw five nights of salvation and wonderful miracles, so wonderful to believe, and four (4) mornings of serious, deep, Spirit- filled, Pastor to Pastor Conference themed ‘No weeping, No gnashing”.

Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills, is a well-travelled Evangelist who has taken the gospel of salvation across Africa. He shared deep truths that could lead any pastor to weep and gnash their teeth on judgment day.



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