Friday, March 28, 2025


Destination: Cape Verde – a picturesque island country in the central Atlantic Ocean.

Outreach / evangelism is something you cannot do without as a missionary. It is the very essence of your call.
Beautiful day it was. I was on outreach as usual, just before a service.
On this particular day, my preaching partner (it’s always easier to go in pairs) was a bit indisposed so I had to go alone.

I met this gentleman sitting on a pavement of an uncompleted building.
I said to myself, ‘let me preach to him and take him to church’.
He was so receptive. And oh how I preached! I poured out my heart and eventually led him to Christ!
If you’ve ever won a soul, you know how exciting that is.

So well, as I always did, I had to get his details to help me follow him up. He said he couldn’t remember his phone number so I decided to give him the phone to type his number (maybe typing it would trigger the memory).
He tried typing some numbers but told me he didn’t remember so I took the phone from him.
Then he told me he had remembered so I should give him the phone to type.
It immediately it dawned on me that this guy may be up to something.
But for some reason I gave him the phone. He was my new soul after all wasn’t he?
Before I knew it, the guy had gotten up and tried to dash with the phone!
I grabbed him and struggled with him on the ground, actually to the point of exchanging blows!
I know you’re probably thinking ‘is this guy a missionary or a wrestler’. I asked myself that same question later when I was recounting the incident and concluded that I was very much a missionary who just happened to be very concerned about losing a major tool for the work – my phone! Lol.

Anyway so back to the scene… He said I should allow him to get up so he gives me the phone, I said no. I didn’t see why he couldn’t give it to me me while still on the ground.
So believe it or not I bit him (that’s all I could think of in that moment) to release the phone and then sped off.

I wish I could tell you he left me alone but he did not.
He actually came after me with a huge stone, threw it at me and it landed on my shoulder blade. I dislocated my toe and shoulder. I couldn’t move my arm or walk well for days.
What an ending right???
But at least I got the phone! Lol
An adventurous outreach indeed it was.
I’m much better now and yes I’m still going a-preaching!!! It is totally worth my every breath!
If you think this was brutal, take a moment to think about what Jesus went through on the cross to buy your salvation.
I’m looking forward to meeting that guy in heaven. I have just one question for Him: ‘wasn’t the GIFT of salvation enough for you?’ Loool

Glory Okokon (Missionary – Cape Verde)

Faithful Scribe is a passionate writer dedicated to exploring Christian teachings and inspiring believers to live out their faith with purpose and conviction. For more insightful articles, stay connected with Charismata News.


  1. Lol… I’m intrigued by this missionary’s account. Very interesting and honest. I totally understand why Jesus had to disappear through the people when they wanted to stone him.

    We’ve been called into a great work that promises a glorious end. But the crown, always comes with a cross!

    I love it!

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