Monday, March 31, 2025

Prophetic Declarations

1. Abraham (Gen. 22:5)
2. Moses (Ex. 15:1; Deut. 31:22)
3. David (2Sam. 23:1; Ps. 119:164)
4. Solomon (1Kings 3:3; 4:32)
5. Paul the Apostle (Phil. 4:4)
If you are dedicated, you will be a worshipper and praiser


– In the Name of Jesus, everything you came here with today that is not of God, it is arrested now!

– A miracle that will bring tears to your eyes will happen to you today!

– Everything that you came here with that my Father in Heaven has not planted, before this service is over, it will disappear and you won’t be aware!

– In your finances, career, destiny, marriage and every realm of your life, you are going to shift to the next level!

– God is giving you double for your trouble!

– You shall not be ashamed! You shall speak with the enemy at the gate!

– Very soon, your children, your cars and houses will be dedicated on this altar!

– You shall have enough resources to take care of your children; none of them shall be liability children in Jesus’ Name!

– Something that is beyond human comprehension is about to happen in your life; God is about to suspend protocols to give you a miracle!

– Every mountain around your life is dissolved right now!

– Whatever strong man is holding your life, family, children and resources, their grip is broken and you are free!

– Your enemies shall never rejoice over your life! (Ps. 30:1-12)

– As you have cried unto the Lord and He has heard you, I prophesy, every infection in your blood, body and system is wiped out forever! (Ps. 30:1-12)

– He has brought you out of your grave and kept you alive; every spirit of death looking for you or your loved ones is arrested and sent back to hell! (Ps. 30:1-12)

– His favour is bringing you your possessions! (Ps. 30:1-12)

– This week, you will experience favour that will amaze you! (Ps. 30:1-12)

– God is turning your mourning into dancing! (Ps. 30:1-12)

– Every wrong garment on your body – garment of sadness, depression and failure, is set on fire now!

– There is someone with a climate of uncertainty, a fear of the unknown, I prophesy that uncertainty is cancelled!

– Every reproach that has ever left you that the devil is trying to return to your life, I decree today, that reproach is returned back to the devil!

– Every demonic threat addressed to your life, that threat is over!


By: Dr. Paul Enenche



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