Saturday, October 5, 2024

Saviour! Do Not Pass Me By! – Pt 3



Aliya joined in, as the crowd danced, whipping up a good amount of dust to mark their presence. She kept looking out for the Evangelist, and suddenly, there he was, coming up the stage to her right. Head and shoulders above all the pastors on the stage, his presence was distinctive. As soon as he took his seat, the atmosphere in Zamara Town Park changed markedly. There was now a sense of order and direction. A lady took to the microphone and welcomed everyone to the first night of the three day crusade. Then she shouted, “Let’s welcome, Sister Vivaldi-Joy!”.

A second lady took to the microphone and screamed, “Zamara City are you here! Lift your hand and give me a wave! Do it like this!”. The whole crowd seemed to catch her fire, and with hands raised, the everyone in the crowd shouted and waved to the sound of the music. The choir in their robes took up positions right in front of the stage and swayed left and right, as Sister Vivaldi-Joy led them in vibrant songs.

Then came what she had been waiting for all day; the voice of the Evangelist. This was the first time she had actually looked forward to hearing a man of God preach. It must be because of all the build-up. Her expectations were very high. Another lady came to the microphone and announced, “Ladies and gentleman, this is the moment we have been waiting for! Please be upstanding, and with Jesus joy, let us welcome, the Evangelist Dag Heward-Mills!!!”.

Right on cue the choir began to sing,

I expect a miracle today!

Nothing is impossible to those who believe and say!

I believe God’s Word is still the same!

And I expect a miracle today!”.

The whole crowd was jubilant! Alisha was sure the whole town had turned up. Everyone was visibly happy and exultant. The whole atmosphere was electrifying. All eyes were now fixated on the Evangelist. He raised his hands and waved and the crowd did the same. He said a short prayer, to which the crowd shouted “Amen!”, accompanied by thunderous applause. It seemed Alisha was not the only one excited to hear the Evangelist’s voice.

Evangelist Dag turned to acknowledge the pastors and leaders of Zamara City, and went straight to the message he had for them.

The Evangelist: “Tonight, Jesus has visited Zamara City!”

The crowd: “Amen!”

The Evangelist: “Tonight, I have good news for you. Satan succeeded in making us sinners. But Jesus has come, to set us free, and to deliver us from the works of satan!”

The crowd: “Amen!”

The Evangelist: “The Bible says in 1 John 3:8

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

The Evangelist asked, “How many here are liars? You’ve told a about a hundred lies before, since you were born?”

Everyone laughed and shot up their hands. Self-consciously Aliya put her hand up too. At least she’s not the only one.

Again he asked, “How many are jealous? You’ve been jealous and fought out of jealousy before?”

Many more hands shot up, as did Aliya’s.

“What about thieves? How many have stolen something before? You stole omeat from your mother’s stew? If you steal something what are you called?” “A thief” the crowd chimed, amidst laughter.

Aliya had done that several times. It was comfortingand somewhat liberating admitting in the town square that all are sinners.

“What about fornicators?” Aliya froze. “You’ve had sex with someone who is not your husband or your wife? Lift up your hand”. Surely no one would admit that! To her shock and horror, several hands were up! She looked around, refusing to admit this particular sin. She was only 12 years old! What would people think if she were to put up her hand? As she turned back to look at the stage, suddenly her eyes met with the Evangelist’s. He was looking straight at her! She suddenly felt a shiver ran down her spine “He knows!” She felt exposed. She wanted to hide. But instead, she began to shiver violently. It wasn’t cold, so where was this coming from? She held his gaze for a moment, willing him to move on. But he was insistent. “Many of you should be lifting up both hands and your feet as well!”  The crowd thought it was funny. She didn’t. She sat very still, willing the earth to open up and swallow her.

Suddenly the Evangelist turned to the pastors seated on the stage, “What about you pastors on the stage? How many fornicators are on stage?” To her shock and amazement, several pastors raised their hands! What!! It’s not possible. But the Evangelist would not give up. “The Bible says anyone who looks at a woman and lusts after her has already committed adultery! So pastors, let me ask you again, how many of you have fornicated before?”. This time everyone raised their hands, including Pastor Sam! As if that was not enough, he then turned to the crowd and asked again “What about you?” Everyone around her raised their hands with laughter. She couldn’t rise her hands. She was guilty, and too ashamed to admit the level of depravity James had led her into at such a young age. The burden of shame and guilt came crushing down on her again in that moment. Why had she come here in the first place? She bowed her head, deeply depressed. All the excitement and jubilation a few minutes earlier suddenly wiped away.

“What can wash away our many sins? What can make us clean and whole again? How can we have hope of going to heaven one day?” The Evangelist continued. She lifted up her head to gaze at him. Does he have an answer to that question, because she would sure like to know. Was there any hope for her, or would she have to live with the knowledge of what she had done tormenting her for the rest of her life.

As she thought and watched, the Evangelist lifted up a large golden goblet and said, “Only by the blood of Jesus! The precious blood of the lamb of God shed for us on the cross of Calvary! He shed His blood for the sins of the whole world, for your sins and mine! That blood is flowing today, and through that blood, all your sins can be washed away! Without the shedding of blood, there is no forgiveness of our many sins! Today the blood is available for you. You cannot go to heaven as a fornicator. You will not be allowed in heaven if you lie and steal! All sinners are outside, in darkness! But tonight, there is power in the blood of Jesus, to wash away your sins! And to make you whole again. All that the devil has done in your life, is reversed by the blood of Jesus today! If only you will believe, and receive the grace of God for your life!”

He had her full attention. Aliya had heard this before, but tonight the significance of it dawned on her. Was it possible she had been hiding and running away from the God who had the very thing that could deliver and save her from what was depressing her? Had she been running away from her Saviour? Perhaps that was how Eve felt in the Garden of Eden, hiding amongst the trees from the God who was ready to die to save her from self-destruction. She had eaten of the forbidden tree, and then turned her back on her Saviour. Why was it so difficult to have faith like a child, and trust her Heavenly Father to know what to do when she messed up! Who else would help her? Satan?

Right then the Evangelist said, “When a snake bites you, there is a liquid you can inject to neutralize the effect of the poison in your body. It is called anti-venom. Satan has bitten humanity and polluted us with sin. But tonight, there is something that has power to reverse that poison! The blood of Jesus! Tonight, the blood is flowing from Calvary, to wash away your sins. And make you a new person. No other blood can save you. Not the blood of goats, nor the blood of bulls, can wash away your sin. Only the blood of Jesus! Which does not expire! Which does not lose its power! The blood of Jesus will save you tonight!”

The crowd stood spontaneously, cheering and waving their hands, jubilantly acknowledging the power in the blood to save. She couldn’t stand up. She saw herself, back in the classroom, with James and his filthy hands. Tears streamed down her face.

Suddenly, a lady on the stage began to sing,

Oh it reaches to the highest mountain

And it flows to the lowest valley

The blood the gives me strength

From day to day

It will never lose its power”

Aliya was overcome with emotion. She slid off her seat and onto her knees on the floor, held her face in her hands and began to sob, deep wrenching sobs from somewhere deep within. “Oh God! I’m so sorry. I’m so dirty. I don’t deserve your help. But I need you Lord! Please help me. Please do not pass me by, I’m begging you Lord. Save me!” As she wept and prayed, she was oblivious to the crowd all around, singing and waving their hands in the air. She felt alone, desperately crying out for help.

As if reading her mind, the singer began to sing,

“Pass me not o gentle Saviour

Hear my humble cry

While on others Thou art calling

Do not pass me by


Saviour! Saviour! Hear my humble cry

While on others Thou art calling

Do not pass me by


Let me at Thy throne of mercy

Find a sweet relief

Kneeling there in deep contrition

Help my unbelief


Saviour! Saviour! Hear my humble cry

While on others Thou art calling

Do not pass me by”

Amidst her weeping, the voice of the Evangelist came, “Look at someone like me. I didn’t even like church. But when He called me, He washed my sins away. That is why today, I am standing here and preaching to you!”

She stood up, and with tears streaming down her face, she sang along, arms in the air, “Saviour! Saviour! Hear my humble cry! While on others Thou art calling, do not pass me by!”

The Evangelist then said, “If you want the blood of Jesus to wash away your sins, say this prayer after me… Aliya was ready to do anything.

“Jesus. I am a liar, I am a thief. I am a fornicator. Tonight, I confess, please forgive me. And wash away my sins. I open my heart, and I receive Jesus as my Lord, my master and my Saviour. Thank you Jesus. For your blood. For coming into my heart. Cleanse me. Wash me. With your precious blood.”

“Please write my name in the book of life. My name is…. mention your name, (Aliya Nkomo). Thank you Jesus, for hearing my prayer. I love you Jesus. I thank you Jesus for saving me tonight.”

Then the Evangelist said, “Now, lift up one finger and say this after me. Satan! Listen carefully. From tonight I will no longer obey you! Satan! In the name of Jesus. From today, me and you is finished. I belong to Jesus! Jesus has saved me! I am free! Satan I bind you you! In the name of Jesus. I am free, by the blood of Jesus! Thank you Jesus, for your blood!”

Suddenly, she had a sensation of wind blowing over her, and a certain warmth, traveling down from her head to her feet. It was so real, as if someone was pouring warm liquid over her. Was it the blood of Jesus? As the sensation spread, she began to tremble, then shake, violently. What was happening to her? She couldn’t control herself. In the distance she heard the Evangelist saying, “Receive it, power! I command every disease to leave, now. Every knee shall bow. Devils are coming out. Satan I cast you out in the name of Jesus! Come ooouuuuttt!!!”

Aliya shook violently, tossing her head in the air, screaming and convulsing. Someone took hold of her, and she felt herself being lifted up and carried. Something had taken over her body, but her spirit was protesting. She screamed and cried, as the Evangelist, as if he knowing what was happening to her, continued with authority, “You demons of fear, depression and suicide, come out! In the name of Jesus! Spirit of lust, come out!! Everyone, begin to pray!” With every instruction, Aliya screamed, willing the demons to come out of her now. She no longer wanted to be used and abused, she wanted to be free! “The power of God is in this place. Demons are flying out! Begin to walk in your freedom. Right now!”

She beat the dust in desperation. An usher came to hold her down. She had no control over her body. Whatever had controlled her all this while protested leaving, but somewhere deep inside, she will be free! Jesus was her master, and by hook or crook, the demons must go. She could no longer harbor them and their destructive presence.

Somewhere inside her Strength began to flow, out of her belly. There was a calm quietness about this sensation. It didn’t cause her to trash the ground, but just lay down, sober. Amidst the noise of the crowd, she heard, for the first time in months, that still small Voice again, saying somewhere inside her, “OH MY CHILD! I LOVE YOU ALIYA, MY CHILD!” Love washed over her. She began to regain control of her body, so she pulled her knees up, and placed her head in her hands, and sobbed. This time, it was not out of desperation, but relief. Her body wracked with tears of gratitude. “Thank you Jesus. I love you Lord. Thank you! Thank you! You did not pass me by!”

She felt new, fresh, and clean again, for the first time in months. She saw the hem of a golden choir robe by her, looked up, and realized her mother had been standing by her all the time. She lifted up her arms like a child, and her mother gathered her into her arms!

The choir was singing,

Oh the blood of Jesus

Oh the blood of Jesus

Oh the blood of Jesus

It washes whiter than the snow


Thank you for the blood of Jesus

Thank you for the blood of Jesus

Thank you for the blood of Jesus

It washes whiter than the snow”


Nana Akua Dede



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